
3.1 GUI Interface

This is the iMRMC main GUI. It include 4 parts: 1. Manage panel, 2. Statistical Analysis Result, 3. Sizing Future Study, 4. Export Results.
3.1 GUI Interface

Manage Panel

1. Manage Panel
Default Panel is a welcome page.
User could use "Select an input method" pull down manual to choose input method.
             Reader Study Data: Analysis Study Raw Data.
            Summary Info From Reader Study Data: Analysis Summary Data.
User could use "Reset" button to clean all analysis settings and results.
Manage panel will change depending on different types of input methods.

Statistical Analysis Result

2. Statistical Analysis Result
Displays statistical analysis reuslt

Sizing Future Study

3. Sizing Future Study
Sets sizing study parameter and displays results.

Export Results

4. Export Results
Export analyses results.
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