
3.1.1 Reader Study Data

In the Reader Study Data input method, welcome panel changes to following panel. User should load Study Raw Data as input file.
3.1.1 Reader Study Data

Load Input File

1. Load Input File
User can use the "Browse..." button to load one Study Raw Data input file. The input file should be either in ".imrmr" or ".csv" format.

Data Checks

2. Data Checks
User can use these two buttons to check the input file data.

ROC Curve

3. ROC Curve
Display ROC curve for all readers and modalities.

MLE option

4. MLE option
Check box to define whether use Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) analysis.

Modalities chosen

5. Modalities chosen
Two pull down manual to choose analysis modalities.
Choose one modality: Estimates MRMC AUC characteristic for one modality.
Choose two modalities: Estimates MRMC AUC characteristic for two modalities, and difference between modalities. 
Note: Two chosen modalities cannot be the same.

Do MRMC Variance Analysis

6. Do MRMC Variance Analysis
Do MRMC Variance Analysis for chosen modalities
Note: User should choose Modalities first.

Show Readers Individual AUC

7. Show Readers Individual AUC
Show All readers AUC for each modality.
Note: User should do analysis first.
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