
3.1.5 Export results

User can use buttons in this panel to export analyses results.
Save Stat Analysis:
User should do statistical analysis first. This button can export current statistical analysis results (Results in

Statistical Analysis Results

User will be asked to create a folder. There will be two files saved in that folder.
omrmc format: Readable by humans and can be loaded as a Summary Data on the iMRMC software.
csv format: Easier to be loaded by other software.
Save Size Analysis:
User should do sizing analysis first. This button export sizing analysis results (Reuslts in

Sizing Future Study

Output file is in omrmc format, which is readable by humans. But it can't be loaded to iMRMC as summary data.
Analysis All Modalities:
After loading input file, user can use this button to do statistical analysis for all modalities combinations in input file and export results. User doesn't have to do statistical analysis or sizing analysis first.
Software will create a folder in input file directory, and save all outputs in it. All the outputs are in csv format. Two analysis models have different outputs.
Reader Study Data:
1. ROC Curves Data: All ROC curves data for all modalities.
2. MRMC Variance Components Tables: BDG, BCK, DBM, MS, OR variance components for all modalities combinations. Each method is in individual file, which includes both U-statistics and MLE analyses tables.
3. Readers individual AUC: Readers individual AUC for all modalities combinations.
4. Readers covariance: Readers covariance for all modalities combinations.
5. U-statistics analyses results: MRMC U-statistics Analysis results (AUCs, Standard Error, Confidence Interval, and Hypothesis test results) for all modalities combinations.
6. MLE analyses results: MRMC MLE Analysis results (AUCs, Standard Error, Confidence Interval, and Hypothesis test results) for all modalities combinations.
Summary Informations From Reader Study Data:
1. MRMC Variance components tables: BDG, BCK, DBM, MS, OR variance components for all modalities combinations. Each method is in individual file, which includes both U-statistics and MLE analyses tables.    
2. U-statistics analyses results: MRMC U-statistics Analysis results (AUCs, Standard Error, Confidence Interval, and Hypothesis test results) for all modalities combinations.
3. MLE analyses results: MRMC MLE Analysis results (AUCs, Standard Error, Confidence Interval, and Hypothesis test results) for all modalities combinations.
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