
4.1.2 Summary Data

Summary Data is previous MRMC analysis results. Summary file should begin with " BEGIN SUMMARY" and end with "END SUMMARY".
It includes 3 parts: 1. Study Information, 2. AUCs, 3. BDG Variance Components. Summary Data file could be generated by Save Stat Analysis button.
If users want to create Summary Data manually, they should follow the format exactly. 
4.1.2 Summary Data

Study Information

1. Study Information
1. Reader and Case Size.
2. Modality ID.


2. AUCs
1. Reader-Averaged AUCs for individual modalities and their difference.
2. Reader Specific AUCs in for each modality.

BDG Variance Components

3. BDG Variance Components
BDG Variance Components for individual modality and the production between them.
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