
4.1.3 Possible Formatting Errors

Currently, iMRMC does not provide detailed feedback on formatting errors. The feedback is to provide a report of the experiment size after successfully reading an input file.
Typical errors in formatting are as follows:
·     The truth state of every case must be defined once and only once.
o ERROR: Truth states not defined for all the cases.
o ERROR: Truth states multiply defined.
·     The row containing "BEGIN DATA:" must be typed exactly as given.
o ERROR: "BEGIN DATA:" not all upper-case.
o ERROR: "BEGIN DATA:" not terminated with a colon (:).
·     Commas with no spaces must be used to separate the four fields of data describing each ROC rating.
o ERROR: Spaces, tabs, or semicolons(;) separate the data in the list of ROC ratings. Only commas should be used.
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