
5.3 Components of Variance

Regardless of their original developments, the four variance decompositions that are included in this software can be derived from first principles for the reader average of empirical AUCs. As such they are related to one another with simple mappings [3]. The decompositions are:
·     BDG components [3-5]: The author Brandon D. Gallas (BDG) decomposed the total variance into eight moments from first principles in a fashion equivalent to U-statistics, which decomposes the total variance into seven conditional covariances. The “extra moment” is the mean squared, which is a part of each conditional covariance. There is a term for non-diseased cases, diseased cases, readers, and all combinations. The decomposition treats non-diseased cases separately from diseased cases such that the total variance can be easily generalized to new readers, new non-diseased cases, and new diseased cases.
·     BCK components [6]: The authors Barrett, Clarkson, and Kupinski (BCK) decomposed the total variance into seven marginal variances from first principles. They are marginal in the sense that they average over the non-random effects rather than conditioning on them as above. The BCK components are thought of as pure variance terms. There is a term for non-diseased cases, diseased cases, readers, and all combinations. The BCK decomposition treats non-diseased cases separately from diseased cases such that the total variance can be easily generalized to new readers, new non-diseased cases, and new diseased cases.
·     DBM components [7]: The authors Dorfman, Berbaum, and Metz (DBM) decomponsed the total variance into six components based on a mixed-model ANOVA. The components are: reader effect, case effect, reader-case effect, modality-reader effect, modality-case effect, and modality-reader-case effect. The DBM decomposition does not treat non-diseased cases separately from diseased cases. So, while the total variance can be easily generalized to new readers and to total cases (with a fixed disease prevalence), additional modeling is needed to separately generalize to new non-diseased cases and new diseased cases (i.e., population with arbitrary disease prevalence).
·     MS components [7]: The MS decomposition is based on the same mixed-model ANOVA as the DBM components. MS stands for mean squares, which are estimated from the data first and then mapped to the DBM components. There are six MS components: reader effect, case effect, reader-case effect, modality-reader effect, modality-case effect, and modality-reader-case effect. The MS decomposition does not treat non-diseased cases separately from diseased cases. So, while the total variance can be easily generalized to new readers and to total cases (with a fixed disease prevalence), additional modeling is needed to separately generalize to new non-diseased cases and new diseased cases (i.e., population with arbitrary disease prevalence).
·     OR components [8]: The authors Obuchowski and Rockette (OR) decomposed the total variance into six components based on a two-factor ANOVA by modeling the accuracy of the jth reader using the ith diagnostic test. The components are: reader effect, modality-reader effect, same-reader-different-modality covariance, different-reader-same-modality covariance, different-reader-different-modality covariance, and residual error. The OR decomposition does not treat non-diseased cases separately from diseased cases. So, while the total variance can be easily generalized to new readers and to total cases (with a fixed disease prevalence), additional modeling is needed to separately generalize to new non-diseased cases and new diseased cases (i.e., population with arbitrary disease prevalence).
We emphasize that the software presents the four different variance decompositions of the reader average of empirical AUCs estimated by U-statistics and MLE [3]. The software does not estimate the DBM and OR components as originally proposed [7, 8]. They are obtained through linear combinations of the BDG components [3]. It is worth pointing out that the U-statistics and MLE estimation methods in this software are specific to the reader average of empirical AUCs, whereas the original DBM and OR estimation methods can be used for other performance measures. Estimation of components when using fully-crossed data is applicable to the BDG, BCK, DBM, OR and MS decompositions. If using data with a non-fully-crossed study design, only the BDG and BCK components are currently able to be estimated. Calculations for the other decompositions are in development.
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