Pattern Content

Create a Pattern

  1. Set the tool to be in Display mode

  2. Select the desired package from the Package List

  3. Create a pattern by pressing the Plus button under the Pattern List tab

  4. Enter a name for the pattern
    • There must not be a pattern with the name already

Edit a Pattern

  • Adding entities
    1. Set the tool to be in Edit mode

    2. Set the tool to be in Add Entity mode

    3. Select the type of entity to add from the Type of Entity list

    4. Press the Add to Pattern button

  • Editing entities
    1. Set the tool to be in Edit mode

    2. Set the tool to be in Edit Entity mode

    3. Select the entity to edit by clicking it or selecting it from the Entity list
  • Deleting entities
    1. Set the tool to be in Edit mode

    2. Set the tool to be in Edit Entity mode

    3. Select the entity to edit by clicking it or selecting it from the Entity list

    4. Press the Trash button at the bottom of the tab

    5. Confirm the action by selecting ok on the deletion prompt

  • Editing background color
    1. Set the tool to be in Edit mode

    2. Set the tool to be in Add Entity mode

    3. Enter the hex code or select the desired color from the color picker

  • Resetting a pattern
    1. Set the tool to be in Edit mode

    2. Set the tool to be in Add Entity mode

    3. Press the Reset Pattern button

    4. Confirm the action by selecting ok on the resetting prompt

  • Renaming a pattern
    1. Set the tool to be in Display mode

    2. Press the Settings button with the gear icon

    3. Press the Rename button under the Pattern Settings tab

    4. Enter a name for the pattern - There must not be a pattern with the name already

  • Deleting a pattern
    1. Set the tool to be in Display mode

    2. Delete the pattern by pressing the Trash button under the Pattern List tab

    3. Confirm the action by selecting ok on the deletion prompt

  • Additional Features
    • Cut, Copy, and Paste can be performed from the settings tab or with crtl+x, ctrl+c, and ctrl+v
      • Patterns can be pasted into different packages than their original ones

Display a Pattern

  1. Set the tool to be in Display mode

  2. Select the package from the Package List

  3. Select a pattern from the Pattern List
    • The displayed pattern can be cycled through with the arrow keys or buttons on the left and right controller

    • The order of the patterns in the Pattern List determines the order of this cycling

    • The order can be changed by dragging and dropping a pattern into a new location

Save a Pattern

Individual patterns cannot be saved directly. Instead save the package that contains the pattern. See the Package documentation for further details on how to save packages.

Share a Pattern

Individual patterns cannot be shared directly. Instead share the package that contains the pattern. See the Package documentation for further details on how to share packages.