Source code for WSI.readwsi

Created on Fri Feb  4 11:42:52 2023


**Title:**        ValidPath Toolbox - WSI Handler module

**Description:**  This is the WSI Handler module for the ValidPath toolbox. It is includes ReadWsi class and several methods
**Classes:**      WSIReader

**Methods:** There are three methods in the ReadWSI module as follows:
        •	Reader: wsi_obj = WSIReader.wsi_reader(path)
        •	Region Extractor: WSIReader.extract_region(wsi_obj,location,level,size)
        •	Extract Bounds: WSIReader.extract_bounds(wsi_obj,bounds,level)

Author: SeyedM.MousaviKahaki (
Version ='1.0'

import numpy as np
import cv2
from import imsave, imread
from PIL import Image
import os
from glob import glob
#import openslide
#Sfrom openslide.deepzoom import DeepZoomGenerator
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import tifffile as tiff
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from readwsi.TissueSegmentation import TissueSegmentation
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
#from readwsi.normalization import Normalization
#from readwsi import normalization
import PIL

[docs] class WSIReader: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def extract_region(wsi_obj,location,level,size): """ This method process the WSIs and extract regions. :Parameters: wsi_obj : object recieve the WSI object :Returns: IMG : Image Image data """ # level = The number of levels in the slide. #Levels are numbered from 0 (highest resolution) to level_count - 1 (lowest resolution). return wsi_obj.read_region(location,level,size).convert('RGB')
[docs] def extract_bounds(wsi_obj,bounds,level): """ This method process the WSIs and extract image. :Parameters: wsi_obj : object recieve the WSI object bounds : tuple recieve the locations for extracting image from WSI level : int WSI level to extract image from :Returns: IMG : Image Image data """ # Specify the bounds in terms of rectangle (left, top, right, bottom) size_h = bounds[3] - bounds[1] size_w = bounds[2] - bounds[0] if(size_h<0 or size_w<0): print("error in bounds , try again") return 0 size = (size_w,size_h) location = ( bounds[0] , bounds[1] ) return wsi_obj.read_region(location,level,size).convert('RGB')
[docs] def wsi_xml_list (wsis_dir): """ This code process the WSIs and XML list and returns these lists. Only WSI are included if there is an XML file with the same name. :Parameters: wsis_dir : string Input Directory which has the original WSIs and XML files :Returns: WSIs : list List of included WSIs xml_ : list List of XML files associated with included WSIs """ #WSIs_ = glob(wsis_dir+'/*.svs') files = os.listdir(wsis_dir) WSIs_ = [os.path.join(wsis_dir,f) for f in files] WSIs = [] XMLs = [] for WSI in WSIs_: xml_ = str.replace(WSI, 'svs', 'xml') xmlexist = os.path.exists(xml_) if xmlexist: print('including: ' + WSI) XMLs.append(xml_) WSIs.append(WSI) return (WSIs, xml_)
[docs] def wsi_reader(WSI_path): """ This code read a WSI and return the WSI object. This code can read the WSIs with the following formats: Aperio (.svs, .tif) Hamamatsu (.vms, .vmu, .ndpi) Leica (.scn) MIRAX (.mrxs) Philips (.tiff) Sakura (.svslide) Trestle (.tif) Ventana (.bif, .tif) Generic tiled TIFF (.tif) :Parameters: WSI_path : string The address to the WSI file. :Returns: wsi_obj : object WSI object """ wsi_obj = openslide.OpenSlide(WSI_path) return (wsi_obj)