Annotation File Generator
assessment.annotation module
Title: ValidPath Toolbox - Annotation File Generation Module
Description: This is the Annotation File Generator module for the ValidPath toolbox. It is includes Annotation_Generator class and several methods
Classes: Annotation_Generator
Methods: There are three methods in the Annotation File Generation module as follows:
ROI_Generator.generate_map_file(input_DIR: str, output_DIR: str, file_Name: str)
make_region(self, x , y , id , txt,path_size,Regions)
- class assessment.annotation.Annotation_Generator[source]
- create_xml(input_DIR, file_path, path_size, save_xml_path)[source]
This method reads the map file generated uisng the ROI_Generator.generate_map_file and generated the XML annotation file based on Aperio ImageScope standard.
- Parameters:
- input_DIRstring
the path to the input directory of mapping file
- file_pathstring
map file name (csv)
- path_sizeinteger
Size of image patch
- save_xml_path: string
output directory
- Returns:
XML – the XML files
- generate_map_file(input_DIR, output_DIR, file_Name, tag_name)[source]
This method extracts different types for annotations from Whole Slide Images. It can save the extracted annottions to the output directory as defined in inputs. This code also handles several annotations per slide. The output directory will be generated based on the strucutr of the input directories.
- Parameters:
- input_DIRstring
the path to the input directory of image patches
- output_DIRstr
the path to the output directory to save the map file
- file_Namestring
map file name (csv)
- tag_namestring
Tag name
- Returns:
CSV – the map file
- make_region(x, y, id, txt, path_size, Regions)[source]
This method generate the XMl file structure and fill the content based on the Aperio ImageScope standard
- Parameters:
- xinteger
Output Directory to save the extracted annotations
- xinteger
List of included WSIs
- txtstring
List of XML files associated with included WSIs
- path_sizeinteger
Patch size
- Regionsobject
the corresponsing XML region object
- Returns:
XML strycture