Data (Input/Output) Examples

Example of these files can be found in the /data/_ directory.

Here are the input and output examples for each module:

WSI Handler

Input: Whole Slide Image file (.SVS,DICOM,TIFF)

Link to the Data File Example: SVSFile

Link to the Jupyter Notebook Example Script: WSI_Handler

Output: Processed file such as sub image region

Annotation Extraction

Input: Whole Slide Image file (.SVS,DICOM,TIFF) and annotation file (.xml)

Link to the WSI File Example: SVSFile

Link to the XML File Example: XMLFile

Link to the Jupyter Notebook Example Script: AnnotationExtraction

Output: Extracted annotation file

Link to the Output Data File Example: Annotation

Patch Extraction

Input: Extracted annotation file generated from Annotation Extraction Step

Link to the Input Data File Example: Annotation

Link to the Jupyter Notebook Example Script: PatchExtraction

Output: Extracted Patches

Link to the Output Data File Example: Patches

Annotation File Generator

Input: Extracted Patches generated from Patch Extraction Step

Link to the Output Data File Example: Patches

Link to the Jupyter Notebook Example Script: AnnotationGenerator

Output: Generated Annotation File (.xml)

Link to the Output Data File Example: xml_file

Performance Assessment

Input: Continuous classification scores generated by ML model and the binary truth

Link to the Output Data File Example: MLResultExample

Link to the Jupyter Notebook Example Script: PerformanceAssessment

Output: Performance Assessment Results

Example of the results output:

_images/assessment_output_example1.png _images/assessment_output_example2.png