Source code for WSI.patch

Created on Fri Feb  4 11:42:52 2023


**Title:**        ValidPath Toolbox - patch extraction module

**Description:**  This is the patch extraction module for the ValidPath toolbox. It is includes two classes and several methods
**Classes:**      WSIpatch_extractor, PatchExtractor

**Methods:**      There are two methods in the patch extraction module as follows:

        •	PatchExtractor.gen_patch(INPUTDIR: str, PatchSize: tuple, Number_of_Patches: int, intensity_check: boolean, OUTPUTDIR:str)
        •	WSIpatch_extractor.patch_extraction(wsi_obj: object, PatchSize: tuple, OUTPUTDIR:str, Random: boolean, Visualize: boolean, Intensity_check: boolean, Number_of_Patches: (int)
Author: SeyedM.MousaviKahaki (
Version ='1.0'

import numpy as np
import cv2
from import imsave, imread
from PIL import Image
import os
from glob import glob
#import openslide
#from openslide.deepzoom import DeepZoomGenerator
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import tifffile as tiff
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from readwsi.TissueSegmentation import TissueSegmentation
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
#from readwsi.normalization import Normalization
#from readwsi import normalization
import PIL
import h5py
#import sys
import pandas as pd
#from scipy import misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt     
[docs] class WSIpatch_extractor: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def patch_extraction(wsi_obj,patch_size,output_folder,random_state,visualize,intensity_check,intensity_threshold,std_threshold,patch_number=-1): """ this function Generate object for tiles using the DeepZoomGenerator and divided the svs file into tiles of size 256 with no overlap. then processing and saving each tile to local directory. :Parameters: wsi_obj : object an object containing WSI file and its information patch_size: integer the size of image patches to be extracted output_folder : string the path to the output directory to save image patches random_state : boolean extract patches randomly or in order visualize: boolean either to plot extracted patches or not intensity_check: boolean to filter the image patches and eliminate empty ones intensity_threshold: integer the threshold to include image patches std_threshold: integer the standard deviation threhold to include image patches patch_number : boolean the number of patches to be extracted. Set to ‘-1’ to extract all possible image patches """ # Generate object for tiles using the DeepZoomGenerator tiles = DeepZoomGenerator(wsi_obj, tile_size= patch_size, overlap=0, limit_bounds=False) # Here, we have divided our svs into tiles of size 256 with no overlap. # The tiles object also contains data at many levels. # To check the number of levels print("The number of levels in the tiles object are: ", tiles.level_count) print("The dimensions of data in each level are: ", tiles.level_dimensions) # Total number of tiles in the tiles object print("Total number of tiles = : ", tiles.tile_count) ###### processing and saving each tile to local directory #print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") MaxTileLevel = len(tiles.level_tiles) - 1 cols, rows = tiles.level_tiles[MaxTileLevel] #print(tiles) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() tile_path = output_folder+"Imagepatches/" orig_tile_dir_name = output_folder+"Imagepatches/" MYDIRs = [output_folder+"Imagepatches/"] for dr in MYDIRs: CHECK_FOLDER = os.path.isdir(dr) # If folder doesn't exist, then create it. if not CHECK_FOLDER: os.makedirs(dr) print("created folder : ", dr) else: print(dr, "folder already exists.") ro = patch_number co = 2 axes=[] counter = 0 flag_counter = True for row in range(rows): if flag_counter==False: break for col in range(cols): if random_state==True : row = random.randint(0,rows-1) col = random.randint(0,cols-1) temp_tile = tiles.get_tile(MaxTileLevel, (col, row)) #getting the coordinates temp_tile_coor = tiles.get_tile_coordinates(MaxTileLevel, (col, row)) xx = temp_tile_coor[0][0] yy = temp_tile_coor[0][1] tile_name = str(counter)+"_"+str(0) + "_x_" + str(xx) + "_y_" + str(yy) + "_a_" + "100.00" temp_tile_RGB = temp_tile.convert('RGB') temp_tile_np = np.array(temp_tile_RGB) # Save original tile # to check intensity mean and intensity standard deviation of the tiles (To exclude non-informative tiles) if intensity_check: intensity_cond = temp_tile_np.mean() < intensity_threshold and temp_tile_np.std() > std_threshold else: intensity_cond = True if intensity_cond: print("Saving" + orig_tile_dir_name + tile_name + ".tif") tiff.imsave(orig_tile_dir_name + tile_name + ".tif", temp_tile_np) if visualize ==1: plt.imshow(temp_tile_np) if patch_number >0 : counter += 1 if patch_number == counter : flag_counter = False break
[docs] def patch_extraction_of_tissue(slidepath,patch_size ,output_folder, number_of_patches=1 , vis = False): # vis = visualize state , if it is True == output will be displayed std_threshold = 15 intensity_threshold = 250 img_array = [] #Minimum tissue area min_tissue_size =10000 #Max height and width for the size of slide with selected level max_img_size =10000 #Gaussian smoothing sigma smooth_sigma = 13 #Thresholding value thresh_val =0.8 s_level, d_factor ,slide_shape = TissueSegmentation.test_locate_tissue_seperately(slidepath,output_folder, min_tissue_size,max_img_size,smooth_sigma,thresh_val) cnts = TissueSegmentation.test_locate_tissue(slidepath,min_tissue_size,max_img_size,smooth_sigma,thresh_val) Slide = openslide.OpenSlide(slidepath) region = (0, 0) level = s_level factor = d_factor w_ = slide_shape[0] h_ = slide_shape[1] size = (slide_shape[0], slide_shape[1]) list_of_polygons= [] for i,cnt in enumerate(cnts) : lst_of_tuples = [] x=[] y=[] for j,cn in enumerate(cnt): x.append(cn[0][0]) y.append(cn[0][1]) lst_of_tuples = list(zip(x,y)) list_of_polygons.append(lst_of_tuples) #for num_p in range(number_of_patches) : num_p = 0 while num_p != number_of_patches: n = 1 while n>0: rand_x = random.randint(1,w_) rand_y = random.randint(1,h_) point = Point(rand_x,rand_y) polygon = Polygon(lst_of_tuples) # Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]) is_correct = polygon.contains(point) if is_correct == True: n = -1 break spointx, spointy = rand_x*factor, rand_y*factor #multipled by factor to get the original co-ordinates as in WSI and not the as per the level patchimg = Slide.read_region((spointx, spointy), level, (patch_size, patch_size)) #patchimg.convert('RGB') # cv2.imwrite(f"C:/Users/masoud/data/patch_{str(num_p)}.tif", np.array(patchimg)) temp_tile_RGB = patchimg.convert('RGB') temp_tile_np = np.array(temp_tile_RGB) # to check intensity mean and intensity standard deviation of the tiles (To exclude non-informative tiles) if temp_tile_np.mean() < intensity_threshold and temp_tile_np.std() > std_threshold: tiff.imsave(output_folder + f"/patch_{str(num_p)}.tif", temp_tile_np) print(output_folder+ f"/patch_{str(num_p)}.tif") #print("-------------", type(patchimg)) num_p += 1 img_array.append(temp_tile_np) l = [ 4,number_of_patches] min_ = min(l) if vis ==True : fig,axes = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = min_) for i,x in enumerate(img_array) : if i==4 : break axes[i].imshow(x)
[docs] def patch_extraction_with_normalized_tiles(wsi_obj,patch_size,output_folder,random_state=True ,patch_number=-1): """ this function Generate object for tiles using the DeepZoomGenerator and divided the svs file into tiles of size 256 with no overlap. then processing and saving each tile to local directory. :Parameters: wsi_obj : object WSI object. patch_size: integer size tiles output_folder : string path root folder to save tiles perform_segmentation_state: boolean random_state : boolean """ # Generate object for tiles using the DeepZoomGenerator tiles = DeepZoomGenerator(wsi_obj, tile_size= patch_size, overlap=0, limit_bounds=False) # Here, we have divided our svs into tiles of size 256 with no overlap. # The tiles object also contains data at many levels. # To check the number of levels print("The number of levels in the tiles object are: ", tiles.level_count) print("The dimensions of data in each level are: ", tiles.level_dimensions) # Total number of tiles in the tiles object print("Total number of tiles = : ", tiles.tile_count) #print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") std_threshold = 15 intensity_threshold = 250 MaxTileLevel = len(tiles.level_tiles) - 1 ###### processing and saving each tile to local directory cols, rows = tiles.level_tiles[MaxTileLevel] orig_tile_dir_name = output_folder+"Imagepatches/original_tiles/" norm_tile_dir_name = output_folder+"Imagepatches/normalized_tiles/" H_tile_dir_name = output_folder+"Imagepatches/H_tiles/" E_tile_dir_name = output_folder+"Imagepatches/E_tiles/" MYDIRs = [output_folder+"Imagepatches/original_tiles/",output_folder+"Imagepatches/normalized_tiles/", output_folder+"Imagepatches/H_tiles/",output_folder+"Imagepatches/E_tiles/"] for dr in MYDIRs: CHECK_FOLDER = os.path.isdir(dr) # If folder doesn't exist, then create it. if not CHECK_FOLDER: os.makedirs(dr) print("created folder : ", dr) else: print(dr, "folder already exists.") counter = 0 flag_counter = True c = 0 ro = patch_number*4 co = 4 axes=[] fig=plt.figure() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) for row in range(rows): if flag_counter==False: break for col in range(cols): if random_state==True : row = random.randint(0,rows-1) col = random.randint(0,cols-1) tile_name = str(col) + "_" + str(row) # tile_name = os.path.join(tile_dir, '%d_%d' % (col, row)) # print("Now processing tile with title: ", tile_name) #print(MaxTileLevel, col, row) temp_tile = tiles.get_tile(MaxTileLevel, (col, row)) temp_tile_RGB = temp_tile.convert('RGB') temp_tile_np = np.array(temp_tile_RGB) # to check intensity mean and intensity standard deviation of the tiles (To exclude non-informative tiles) if temp_tile_np.mean() < intensity_threshold and temp_tile_np.std() > std_threshold: # print("Processing tile number:", tile_name) norm_img, H_img, E_img = normalization.norm_HnE(temp_tile_np, Io=240, alpha=1, beta=0.15) # Save original tile tiff.imsave(orig_tile_dir_name + tile_name + "_original.tif", temp_tile_np) # Save the norm tile, H and E tiles tiff.imsave(norm_tile_dir_name + tile_name + "_norm.tif", norm_img) tiff.imsave(H_tile_dir_name + tile_name + "_H.tif", H_img) tiff.imsave(E_tile_dir_name + tile_name + "_E.tif", E_img) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) axes.append( fig.add_subplot(ro, co, c+1) ) subplot_title=("patch number (original_img) :" + str(counter+1)) axes[-1].set_title(subplot_title) plt.imshow(temp_tile_np) axes.append( fig.add_subplot(ro, co, c+2) ) subplot_title=("patch number (norm_img) :" + str(counter+1)) axes[-1].set_title(subplot_title) plt.imshow(norm_img) axes.append( fig.add_subplot(ro, co, c+3) ) subplot_title=("patch number (H_img) :" + str(counter+1)) axes[-1].set_title(subplot_title) plt.imshow(H_img) axes.append( fig.add_subplot(ro, co, c+4) ) subplot_title=("patch number (E_img) :" + str(counter+1)) axes[-1].set_title(subplot_title) plt.imshow(E_img) c = c+4 if patch_number >0 : counter += 1 if patch_number == counter : flag_counter = False break
[docs] class PatchExtractor : def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def find_between(self, s, first, last ): try: start = s.index( first ) + len( first ) end = s.index( last, start ) return s[start:end] except ValueError: return ""
[docs] def gen_patch(self, INPUTDIR,PatchSize,Number_of_Patches,intensity_check,intensity_threshold,OUTPUTDIR): """ This function extracts a number of pactches from extracted annotations. It can save the extracted annottions to the output directory as defined in inputs. Before running this function, please call annotation.ann_extractor.extract_ann(save_dir, XMLs, WSIs) to generate annotations. The output directory will be generated based on the strucutr of the input directories. IF the WSI Magnification is 13X or 20X, this code will automaticall convert to 20X. :Parameters: INPUTDIR : string the path to the input directory PatchSize : tuple the size of image patches to be extracted Number_of_Patches : int the number of patches per annotation to be extracted intensity_check : boolean to filter the image patches and eliminate empty ones • OUTPUTDIR : string the path to the output directory to save image patches :Returns: Image – extracted image patches from the annotated area. """ std_threshold = 15 chck_group_name=True open_dataset = True save_hdf5 = False save_png = True input_x = PatchSize[0] input_y = PatchSize[1] hdf5_file= OUTPUTDIR+"dataset.hdf5" root_directory = glob(r''+INPUTDIR+'*') print(">>>>>>>>>") print(root_directory) png_dir = OUTPUTDIR+"Imagepatches/" if not os.path.exists(png_dir): os.makedirs(png_dir) print(png_dir) for filename in root_directory: groupname = os.path.basename(filename) #FName = groupname.upper() #files = glob( filename + r"\*.jpg") # adjustment for compatibility with linux (because "\" is the wrong type of slash for unix): files = glob(os.path.join(filename, "*.jpg")) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #files = [f.upper() for f in files] files_clean = [] # exclude mask images # i=0 for r in files: subr = self.find_between( r, "_coord_", "." ) xx = subr.split("_")[1] yy = subr.split("_")[0] a= r.split("\\")[-1] b= a.split(".")[0] c=b.find("mask") # if(c>-1): # rt=files.pop()[i]\ if(c==-1): files_clean.append(r) # for on all images in a folder for fl in files_clean: img = cv2.imread(fl, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) plt.imshow(img) # to check intensity mean and intensity standard deviation of the tiles (To exclude non-informative tiles) if np.mean(img) > intensity_threshold: continue # Don't use regions that are too small print(img.shape) min_acceptable_height, min_acceptable_width = 2*input_y, 2*input_x if img.shape[0] < min_acceptable_height or img.shape[1] < min_acceptable_width: continue rows,cols = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] b=fl.split('\\')[-1] name=b.split('.')[0] #extract patches for rng in range(Number_of_Patches): #end_name =name+"_patchnumber_"+str(rng) done = True breakLimit = 500 breakCount = 0 while done : breakCount = breakCount + 1 if breakCount > breakLimit: break coords = [(random.random()*rows, random.random()*cols)] x=int(coords[0][0]) if(x>(rows-input_x+1)): x = x-input_x+1 y=int(coords[0][1]) if(y>(cols-input_x+1)): y = y-input_y+1 x_end=x+input_x y_end=y+input_y # to include patches with high intensity in corner of the patches try: color_chk1 = img[x, y] > [intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold] color_chk2 = img[x, y_end] > [intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold] color_chk3 = img[x_end, y] > [intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold] color_chk4 = img[x_end, y_end] > [intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold] color_chk5 = img[round((x+x_end)/2), round((y+y_end)/2)] > [intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold,intensity_threshold] except: continue if intensity_check: intensity_cond = any(color_chk1) == any(color_chk2) == any(color_chk3) == False else: intensity_cond = True # Check three corner have high intensity if intensity_cond : cropped_image = img[x:x_end, y:y_end] # add location of annotation (xx,yy) to patch location (x,y) yFinal = int(xx) + x xFinal = int(yy) + y # plt.imshow(cropped_image) # #create png files of patches if save_png==True: png_file = Path(OUTPUTDIR+"Imagepatches/"+groupname+"/") png_file.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print(png_dir) #end_name = str(rng)+"_"+groupname + "_x_" + str(x) + "_y_" + str(y) + "_a_" + "100.00" end_name = str(rng)+"_"+groupname + "_x_" + str(xFinal) + "_y_" + str(yFinal) + "_a_" + "100.00" print("Creating "+png_dir +groupname+"/"+end_name+".png") try: cv2.imwrite(png_dir + groupname + "/" +end_name+".png", cropped_image) except: continue #create a hdf5 file of all patches if(save_hdf5==True): if open_dataset==True: dataset = h5py.File(hdf5_file, 'a') open_dataset=False if chck_group_name==True: print(groupname+"_is-->>>>> new group name.") grp = dataset.create_group(groupname); chck_group_name=False dset = grp.create_dataset(end_name, data=cropped_image) print(end_name+"_is new dataset on "+groupname+" group") done=False if(save_hdf5==True): dataset.close()