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Input File Body: List of ROIs and Corresponding Tasks

The input file Body begins with the line containing “Body” and follows with a line of column labels. The first two tasks should be "start" and "finish". User should not edit them. Each line below defines one task. For most task there are 9 columns identifying the ROI and task.
Default Task Input Columns:
A. Task Instructions    
Task Name (String): Name for each task, user should choose one task from task list.
Task ID (String): Identification number of the task independent from the order that they are presented
Task Order (Int): Task appear order
Slot (Int) : Specifies the stage slot for the task. This, consequently, specifies the glass slide for the task based on the header information.
B. Input Variables
ROI_X (Int) :  WSI ROI center pixel position in X direction.
ROI_Y (Int):  WSI ROI center pixel position in Y direction.
ROI_W (Int):  Pixel width of the ROI.
ROI_H (Int):  Pixel height of the ROI.
Q_Text (String): This field contains the question (free text) displayed to the reader.
        *Do not use commas here or the input file format will be corrupt.*
Default Task Input format: Each line defines one task, use comma to separate input columns.
Task Name, Task ID, Task Order,Slot, ROI_X, ROI_Y, ROI_W, ROI_H,Q_Text
Other Task Input Columns: Some special tasks has different input columes
mitotic_train: padding 8 more columns for expert checkbox result (1: checked; 0: not checked), 1 more column for rating result at end of Default Task Input Columns.
checkMof4, radio1of4: padding 4 more columns to define 4 opitions at end of Default Task Input Columns.
get_WSI_position: Do not have Slot, ROI_X, and ROI_Y columns.
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