There are several default tasks that come with the eeDAP installation. They can be separated by the baseline of registration:
Base on WSI:.
User should pre-define Region Of Intereting (ROI) in input file based on WSI (center and size of ROI)
It is available in both MicroRT and Digital Modes.
MicroRT: GUI window shows WSI ROI. Microscope stage automatically move to the same ROI on glass slide.
Digital: GUI window displays WSI ROI.
Base on Microscope:
User do not need to pre-define ROI in input file.
It is only available in MicroRT Mode.
MicroRT: User uses joystick to move microscope to a region. eeDAP extracts the same ROI on WSI and displays on GUI window
Note: Most of the text that appears in the data collection GUI can be customized in the input file. The format is showed in
section IV