eeDAP: Evaluation Environment for Digital and Analog Pathology, Base on WSI
Base on WSI
Description and purpose: Select a reason in WSI (e.g. find a mitosis), eeDAP can save the X-Y coordinates on the ROI and WSI (Figure 1).
1. Click on image in the region of the cell that is specified in the description.
count, count_imagescope, count2_imagescope:
Description and purpose: Count the number of cells that appear to accommodate the description (Figure 2).
1. Enter the number in the block.
2. Count_imagescope, count2_imagescope allow user to use annotation in imagescope to point out the cells and save the annotation.
Note: After make all annotations in one image, please close curret image and click save annotation. eeDAP will automatically move the annotation to output folder.
Description and purpose: Select the one of the options that accommodates the description (Figure 3).
1. Select one option out of four.
Description and purpose: Rate the cell or tissue based on description (Figure 4).
1. Use 0-100 slider or type the number.
Description and purpose: Answer described questions (Rating and pre-defined check boxes), and show expert results.
Pre-defined check boxes:
Spindle darker (general)
Ropy, hetero. texture (general)
Visible cytoplasm (general)
Not apoptotic: brown stain or dissolving, shrinking (general)
Spindle area majority of cell, N/C~2 (prophase)
Spindle aligned with cell (metaphase)
Two spindles have formed (anaphase)
Two cell membranes visible (telophase)
1. Check all the boxes that apply to the image.
2. Using the slider or by typing the number, give the tissue a score.
3. Click on "expert results" (Boxes highlighted are incorrect, Highlighted number is correct).
Description and purpose: Answer described questions (Free text, rating and pre-defined check boxes).
1. Write a discripition of what you observe in the image above.
2. Click "Next Part" botton.
3. Check all the boxes that apply to the image above.
4. Using the slider or by typing the number, give the tissue a score.