Victre Class

Documentation for the Victre project.

class Victre.Pipeline(ips={'cpu': 'localhost', 'gpu': 'localhost'}, seed=None, results_folder='./results', phantom_file=None, spectrum_file='./Victre/projection/spectrum/W28kVp_Rh50um_Be1mm.spc', lesion_file=None, materials=None, roi_sizes={1: [65, 65, 5], 2: [109, 109, 9]}, arguments_generation={}, arguments_spiculated={}, arguments_mcgpu={}, arguments_recon={}, arguments_cluster={}, flatfield_DBT=None, flatfield_DM=None, density=None, verbosity=True)

Object constructor for the Victre pipeline class

  • ips – Dictionary with two IP addresses to run the pipeline: “gpu” for the projection process. “cpu” for the reconstruction.

  • seed – Random seed used to generate or read the phantom

  • results_folder – Path to folder to be used when saving the results

  • phantom_file – Path to file containing the phantom to be loaded

  • spectrum_file – Path to file containing the spectrum used to project in MCGPU

  • lesion_file – Path to file containing the lesion to be inserted (in HDF5 format)

  • materials – Dictionary including the materials to be used during projection

  • roi_sizes – Dictionary with the ROI sizes for the extraction

  • arguments_generation – Arguments to be overriden for the breast phantom generation

  • arguments_spiculated – Arguments to be overriden for the spiculated mass generation

  • arguments_mcgpu – Arguments to be overridden for the projection in MCGPU

  • arguments_recon – Arguments to be overridden for the reconstruction algorithm

  • arguments_cluster – Arguments to be overridden for the calcification cluster generation

  • flatfield_DBT – Path to the flatfield file for the DBT reconstruction

  • flatfield_DM – Path to the flatfield file for the digital mammography

  • density – [EXPERIMENTAL] Percentage of dense tissue of the phantom to be generated, this will adjust the compression thickness too

  • verbosity – True will output the progress of each process and steps



add_absent_ROIs(lesion_type, n=1, locations=None, roi_sizes=None, save_locations=True)

Adds the specified number of lesion-absent regions of interest.

  • lesion_type – Constant with the desired lesion type. Check available lesion types and materials in the Constants file.

  • n – Number of lesions to be added

  • locations – List of coordinates in the voxel/phantom space where the lesions will be inserted. If not specified, random locations will be generated.

  • roi_sizes – Size of the region of interest to be calculated to avoid overlapping with other tissues and check out of bounds locations


None. A location file will be saved inside the phantom folder with the corresponding seed. Negative lesion type means absent ROI.


Runs the FEBio compression.


thickness – Specifies the objective thickness for the phantom to be compressed (in cm)


None. A phantom file will be saved inside the results folder with the corresponding raw phantom. Two files will be generated: pc_SEED.raw.gz with the raw data, and pc_SEED.mhd with the information about the raw data.


Runs breast phantom cropping.


None. A phantom file will be saved inside the results folder with the corresponding raw phantom. Two files will be generated: pc_SEED_crop.raw.gz with the raw data, and pc_SEED_crop.mhd with the information about the raw data.

generate_cluster(seed=None, size=None, nmin=None, nmax=None, smin=None, smax=None)

Generates a random calcification cluster

  • seed – Seed to be used when generating the cluster

  • size – Side of the 3D array (ROI cube) in which to generate the cluster (in mm)

  • nmin – Minimum number of calcifications to generate

  • nmax – Maximum number of calcifications to generate

  • smin – Minimum size of the generated calcifications (in mm)

  • smax – Maximum size of the generated calcifications (in mm)


None. The result is saved in the lesions subfolder


Runs breast phantom generation.


None. A phantom file will be saved inside the results folder with the corresponding raw phantom. Two files will be generated: p_SEED.raw.gz with the raw data, and p_SEED.mhd with the information about the raw data.

generate_spiculated(seed=None, size=None)

Generates a spiculated mass using the breastMass software

  • seed – Seed to be used when generating the mass

  • size – Size of the mass to be used in the breastMass config file


None. The result is saved in the lesions subfolder


Calculates the true segmentation of the DBT volume using the phantom model.


3-dimensional array of integer values of the tissue ID corresponding to each

voxel of the DBT reconstruction.


Method to get the corresponding coordinates in the DBT volume from the voxelized coordinates


vx_location – Coordinates in the voxel/phantom space


Coordinates in the DBT space


Method to get the corresponding coordinates in the DM volume from the voxelized coordinates


vx_location – Coordinates in the voxel/phantom space


Coordinates in the DM space

static get_folder_contents(folder)

Gets a list of files in the given folder


folder – Path to the folder to be processed


List with files inside the given folder

insert_lesions(lesion_type=None, n=-1, lesion_file=None, lesion_size=None, locations=None, roi_sizes=None, save_phantom=True, seed=None)

Inserts the specified number of lesions in the phantom.

  • lesion_type – Constant with the desired lesion type. Check available lesion types and materials in the Constants file.

  • n – Number of lesions to be added

  • lesion_file – Path to file including the lesion to be inserted (in HDF5 format). If specified, it will overrite the lesion file specified in the constructor.

  • lesion_size – If lesion_file is a raw file, lesion_size indicates the size of this file

  • locations – List of coordinates in the voxel/phantom space where the lesions will be inserted. If not specified, random locations will be generated.

  • roi_sizes – Size of the region of interest to be calculated to avoid overlapping with other tissues and check out of bounds locations

  • seed – Specific seed for randomized insertion, defaults to phantom seed, set to -1 to randomize every insertion


None. A phantom file will be saved inside the results folder with the corresponding raw phantom. Three files will be generated: pcl_SEED.raw.gz with the raw data, pcl_SEED.mhd with the information about the raw data, and pcl_SEED.loc with the voxel coordinates of the lesion centers.

project(flatfield_correction=True, clean=True, do_flatfield=0, for_presentation=False)

Method that runs MCGPU to project the phantom.

  • flatfield_correction – If True, the projections will be corrected using a given flatfield. It will be generated if not found and not given.

  • clean – If True, it will delete the contents of the output folder before projecting.

  • do_flatfield – If > 0, it will generate an empty flat field projection.


Method that runs the reconstruction code for the DBT volume


Returns the 3D coordinate in the model (phantom) space from the input 3D digital breast tomosynthesis coordinates


dbt_location – 3-dimensional tuple or array with the coordinates in the digital breast tomosynthesis space


3-dimensional array of coordinates in the model (phantom) space


Returns the list of 3D coordinates in the model (phantom) space from the input 2D digital mammography coordinates. Note: This will take a long time to compute


dm_location – 2-dimensional tuple or array with the coordinates in the digital mammography space


List of 3D coordinates in the model (phantom) space


Saves the DM or DBT images in DICOM format. If present, lesion location will be stored in a custom tag 0x009900XX where XX is the lesion number.


modality – Modality to save: dbt or dm

save_ROIs(roi_sizes=None, clean=True, save_folder=None)

Saves the generated ROIs (absent and present) in RAW and HDF5 formats

  • roi_sizes – Size of the ROIs for the defined lesion types

  • clean – If True, the existing ROI folder will be deleted

Model Observer Class

Documentation for the Model Observer component of the VICTRE project.

class Victre.ModelObserver.CHO(channel_type=None, channels=None, signal=None, nps=None, signal_present_samples=None, signal_absent_samples=None, results_folder=None, modality='dm', training_ratio=1, channel_filter=None, channel_params=None, subtract_mean_background=False)

This method initializes a Channelized Hotelling Observer (CHO) given a specific channel type. It can receive the signal or a set of training present and absent images.

  • channel_type – Type of the channels to be created for the CHO: Gabor, LGauss or DoG.

  • channels: – Alternatively, you can provide your own channels.

  • signal – Provide your own signal profile, otherwise, samples will be used to calculate the signal profile.

  • nps – Noise power spectrum used to filter the channels.

  • signal_present_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-present trials.

  • signal_absent_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-absent trials.

  • results_folder – Path to the VICTRE results folder if trials are to be extracted from there.

  • modality – Modality to use when path to VICTRE results folder is given.

  • training_ratio – ratio of samples used to retrain.

  • channel_filter – Use of filtered channels.

  • channel_params – Dictionary with the parameters for the channel generation.




This method builds the Channelized Hotelling template with the given channels and signal.



class Victre.ModelObserver.ModelObserver(signal_present_samples=None, signal_absent_samples=None, signal=None, results_folder=None, modality='dm', training_ratio=1, subtract_mean_background=False)

Initializes the ModelObserver generic class. This should be done on the children classes, not here.

  • signal_present_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-present trials.

  • signal_absent_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-absent trials.

  • signal – Provide your own signal profile, otherwise, samples will be used to calculate the signal profile.

  • results_folder – Path to the VICTRE results folder if trials are to be extracted from there.

  • modality – Modality to use when path to VICTRE results folder is given.

  • training_ratio – ratio of samples used to retrain.




This method estimates the noise power spectrum from samples in any dimension. :param samples: List of samples.


Noise power spectrum matrix.

extract_from_samples(signal_present_samples, signal_absent_samples)

Extracts the signal only from present and absent samples and saves it as class variables.

  • signal_present_samples – List of signal-present images.

  • signal_absent_samples – List of signal-absent images.



get_performance(LKE=True, function='sum')

Calculates model observer’s performance for the loaded samples.

  • LKE – Indicate a Location-Known Exactly (LKE) task or a search task.

  • function – For search tasks (LKE = false), specify the function used to

combine the results of the convolution. Valid options are sum or max.

read_from_VICTRE(results_folder, modality, subtract_mean_background=True)

Reads the samples from a VICTRE results folder structure and extracts the signal.

  • results_folder – Path to the results folder from the VICTRE pipeline.

  • modality – Modality to load (dm or dbt)




Retrains the model from a different set of samples.


training_ratio – ratio of samples used to retrain.



run(images=None, LKE=True, function='sum')

Computes the result for the model observer template in a LKE or Search task on a set of images.

  • images – List of images to be processed by the model observer.

  • LKE – Indicate a Location-Known Exactly (LKE) task or a search task.

  • function – For search tasks (LKE = false), specify the function used to combine the results of the convolution. Valid options are sum or max.


List with the resulting statistic of the model observer computation for each image.

run_readers(num_readers, LKE=True, function='sum')

Run a specified number of readers, retraining them every iteration.

  • num_readers – Number of readers to run.

  • LKE – Indicate a Location-Known Exactly (LKE) task or a search task.

  • function – For search tasks (LKE = false), specify the function used to combine the results of the convolution. Valid options are sum or max.


2-tuple with the statistics of each reader and their corresponding responses to each processed trial.

save_iMRMC(filename, scores=None)

Save the results of the model observer as an iMRMC format file.

  • filename – Output file name to save the result.

  • scores – Alternatively, specify the scores of various modalities to be saved in the file instead of the current model observer’s results.



class Victre.ModelObserver.NPW(signal=None, signal_present_samples=None, signal_absent_samples=None, results_folder=None, modality='dm', training_ratio=1, subtract_mean_background=False)

This method initializes a Non PreWhitening (NPW) model observer. It can receive the signal or a set of training present and absent images.

  • signal – Provide your own signal profile, otherwise, samples will be used to calculate the signal profile.

  • signal_present_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-present trials.

  • signal_absent_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-absent trials.

  • results_folder – Path to the VICTRE results folder if trials are to be extracted from there.

  • modality – Modality to use when path to VICTRE results folder is given.

  • training_ratio – ratio of samples used to retrain.




This method builds the NPW template.



class Victre.ModelObserver.NPWE(signal=None, signal_present_samples=None, signal_absent_samples=None, results_folder=None, modality='dm', training_ratio=1, pixels_per_degree=50, alpha=1.9, beta=2, gamma=0.5)

This method initializes a Non PreWhitening with Eye filter (NPWE) model observer. It can receive the signal or a set of training present and absent images.

  • signal – Provide your own signal profile, otherwise, samples will be used to calculate the signal profile.

  • signal_present_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-present trials.

  • signal_absent_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-absent trials.

  • results_folder – Path to the VICTRE results folder if trials are to be extracted from there.

  • modality – Modality to use when path to VICTRE results folder is given.

  • training_ratio – ratio of samples used to retrain.

  • pixels_per_degree – Pixels per degree of visual angle to generate the eye filter.

  • alpha – Parameter alpha for the eye filter.

  • beta – Parameter beta for the eye filter.

  • gamma – Parameter gamma for the eye filter.




This method builds the NPWE template.




Generates the corresponding eye filter at distance r.


r – Radial distance to generate the eye filter.


Eye filter response at distance r.

class Victre.ModelObserver.PWMF(signal=None, nps=None, signal_present_samples=None, signal_absent_samples=None, results_folder=None, modality='dm', training_ratio=1, subtract_mean_background=False)

This method initializes a PreWhitening Matched Filter (PWMF) model observer. It can receive the signal or a set of training present and absent images.

  • signal – Provide your own signal profile, otherwise, samples will be used to calculate the signal profile.

  • nps – Noise power spectrum used to filter the channels. If not provided it will be estimated from trials.

  • signal_present_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-present trials.

  • signal_absent_samples – List of images (2D or 3D) for signal-absent trials.

  • results_folder – Path to the VICTRE results folder if trials are to be extracted from there.

  • modality – Modality to use when path to VICTRE results folder is given.

  • training_ratio – ratio of samples used to retrain.




This method builds the PWMF template.

