Getting started


  • For phantom generation

  • cmake 3+

  • gcc/g++

  • VTK library

  • Lapack library

  • boost library

  • For phantom compression

  • FEBio

  • gcc/g++

  • cmake 3+

  • VTK library

  • Lapack library

  • boost library

  • For mass generation

  • gcc/g++

  • cmake 3+

  • VTK library

  • Lapack library

  • boost library

  • For MCGPU projection

  • CUDA 10.4+

  • NVIDIA GPU (8GB+ recommended)

  • gzip

  • (Optional) openMPI

  • For reconstruction

  • gcc/g++

  • For the unified pipeline script

  • Python 3.6+


Before proceeding, make sure you have all the requirements listed above. You can also install the required libraries using this:

sudo apt-get install cmake vtk7 libvtk7-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libopenmpi-dev libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libproj-dev zlib1g-dev gzip

Clone the repository

git clone

Execute the installation script:


Follow the instructions and compile the 5 parts. You might need to edit the file to change the route of some libraries at the beginning.

Install the required python libraries:

pip install numpy scipy termcolor progressbar2 h5py pydicom


You might need to use pip3 instead of pip.

Download FEBio 2.x from the official website <> as a standalone executable and add it to the path (replace {{{routetofebio}}} with the path to your FEBio installation on this line):

export PATH="$PATH:{{{routetofebio}}}/FEBio-2.9.1/bin"


You can also add that line to your .bashrc file to make it permanent. Note the version number for FEBio on the path, it might be different.


Copy the examples files to the parent folder and run them in a GPU-enabled machine with CUDA:



You might need to use python3 instead of python.

Each example file starts the pipeline from a different step, use to start from the phantom generation (it will need hours to complete), use to start from the projection step (it will finish in about ~10 minutes depending on your computer). When finished, you will find the results in the results folder under the 1 subfolder.

  • p_1.raw.gz: original phantom model

  • pc_1.raw.gz: compressed phantom model

  • pc_1_crop.raw.gz: cropped compressed phantom model

  • pcl_1.raw.gz: compressed original phantom model with the inserted lesions

  • pcl_1.loc: file containing the coordinates of the inserted lesions in the phantom model

    • Last number is the lesion type: 1 for calcification clusters, 2 for masses

  • projection_DM1.raw: contains the DM projection in raw format

  • reconstruction1.raw: contains the DBT reconstruction in raw format

  • ROIs.h5: contains the lesion-present and lesion-absent regions of interest.

  • ROIs: subfolder will also contain the ROIs in raw format (size is specified in the code, 109 x 109 x 9 in the examples)

    • ROI_DM_XX_typeT: DM cropped image for lesion number XX of lesion type T (absent regions will have T < 0)

    • ROI_DBT_XX_typeT: DBT cropped volume for lesion number XX of lesion type T (absent regions will have T < 0)

    • T = 1 for calcification clusters, T = 2 for masses


    All raw files are acompanied by an .mhd file that contains the size information. The .mhd file can be opened in software like ImageJ.