MC-GPU_v1.3.h File Reference

Header file containing the declarations for the MC-GPU code. More...

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struct  int2
struct  int3
struct  float2
struct  float3
struct  double2
struct  double3
struct  short3
struct  ulonglong2
struct  source_struct
 Structure storing the data defining the source model (except for the energy spectrum). More...
struct  source_energy_struct
 Structure storing the source energy spectrum data to be sampled using the Walker aliasing algorithm. More...
struct  detector_struct
 Structure storing the data defining the x-ray detector. More...
struct  voxel_struct
 Structure defining a voxelized box with the back-lower corner at the coordinate origin. More...
struct  linear_interp
 Structure with the basic data required by the linear interpolation of the mean free paths: number of values and energy grid. More...
struct  compton_struct
 Structure storing the data of the Compton interaction sampling model (equivalent to PENELOPE's common block /CGCO/). More...
struct  rayleigh_struct
 Structure storing the data of the Rayleigh interaction sampling model (equivalent to PENELOPE's common block /CGRA/). More...


#define MASTER_THREAD   if(0==myID)
 MPI macro: mark commands to be executed only by the master thread (myID==0).
 Maximum number of projections allowed in the CT simulation (not limited by the constant memory because stored in global and shared memory):
#define MAX_MATERIALS   15
 Constants values for the Compton and Rayleigh models:
#define MAX_SHELLS   30
#define NP_RAYLEIGH   128
#define MAX_ENERGY_BINS   256
 Maximum number of energy bins in the input x-ray energy spectrum.
#define PI   3.14159265358979323846
#define RAD2DEG   180.0/PI
#define DEG2RAD   PI/180.0
#define SCALE_eV   100.0f
 Value to scale the deposited energy in the pixels so that it can be stored as a long long integer instead of a double precision float.
#define EPS_SOURCE   0.000015f
 Offset value to make sure the particles are completely inside, or outside, the voxel bounding box.
#define INF   500000.0f
#define INF_minus1   499999.0f
#define NEG_INF   -500000.0f
#define max_value(a, b)   ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
 Preprocessor macro to calculate maximum and minimum values:
#define min_value(a, b)   ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )


typedef struct int2 int2
typedef struct int3 int3
typedef struct float2 float2
typedef struct float3 float3
typedef struct double2 double2
typedef struct double3 double3
typedef struct short3 short3
typedef struct ulonglong2 ulonglong2


void read_input (int argc, char **argv, int myID, unsigned long long int *total_histories, int *gpu_id, int *seed_input, int *num_threads_per_block, int *histories_per_thread, struct detector_struct *detector_data, unsigned long long int **image_ptr, int *image_bytes, struct source_struct *source_data, struct source_energy_struct *source_energy_data, char *file_name_voxels, char file_name_materials[MAX_MATERIALS][250], char *file_name_output, char *file_name_espc, int *num_projections, double *D_angle, double *angularROI_0, double *angularROI_1, double *initial_angle, ulonglong2 **voxels_Edep_ptr, int *voxels_Edep_bytes, char *file_dose_output, short int *dose_ROI_x_min, short int *dose_ROI_x_max, short int *dose_ROI_y_min, short int *dose_ROI_y_max, short int *dose_ROI_z_min, short int *dose_ROI_z_max, double *SRotAxisD, double *vertical_translation_per_projection, int *flag_material_dose)
 Read the input file given in the command line and return the significant data.
void load_voxels (int myID, char *file_name_voxels, float *density_max, struct voxel_struct *voxel_data, float2 **voxel_mat_dens_ptr, unsigned int *voxel_mat_dens_bytes, short int *dose_ROI_x_max, short int *dose_ROI_y_max, short int *dose_ROI_z_max)
 Read the voxel data and allocate the material and density matrix.
void load_material (int myID, char file_name_materials[MAX_MATERIALS][250], float *density_max, float *density_nominal, struct linear_interp *mfp_table_data, float2 **mfp_Woodcock_table, int *mfp_Woodcock_table_bytes, float3 **mfp_table_a_ptr, float3 **mfp_table_b_ptr, int *mfp_table_bytes, struct rayleigh_struct *rayleigh_table_ptr, struct compton_struct *compton_table_ptr)
 Read the material input files and set the mean free paths and the "linear_interp" structures.
void trim_name (char *input_line, char *file_name)
 Extract a file name from an input text line, trimming the initial blanks, trailing comment (#) and stopping at the first blank (the file name should not contain blanks).
char * fgets_trimmed (char *trimmed_line, int num, FILE *file_ptr)
 Read a line of text and trim initial blancks and trailing comments (#).
int report_image (char *file_name_output, struct detector_struct *detector_data, struct source_struct *source_data, float mean_energy_spectrum, unsigned long long int *image, double time_elapsed, unsigned long long int total_histories, int current_projection, int num_projections, double D_angle, double initial_angle, int myID, int numprocs)
 Report the tallied image in ASCII and binary form (32-bit floats).
void set_CT_trajectory (int myID, int num_projections, double D_angle, double angularROI_0, double angularROI_1, double SRotAxisD, struct source_struct *source_data, struct detector_struct *detector_data, double vertical_translation_per_projection)
 Sets the CT trajectory: store in memory the source and detector rotations that are needed to calculate the multiple projections.
int report_voxels_dose (char *file_dose_output, int num_projections, struct voxel_struct *voxel_data, float2 *voxel_mat_dens, ulonglong2 *voxels_Edep, double time_elapsed_total, unsigned long long int total_histories, short int dose_ROI_x_min, short int dose_ROI_x_max, short int dose_ROI_y_min, short int dose_ROI_y_max, short int dose_ROI_z_min, short int dose_ROI_z_max, struct source_struct *source_data)
 Report the total tallied 3D voxel dose deposition for all projections.
void init_energy_spectrum (char *file_name_espc, struct source_energy_struct *source_energy_data, float *mean_energy_spectrum)
 Read the energy spectrum file and initialize the Walker aliasing sampling.
void update_seed_PRNG (int batch_number, unsigned long long int total_histories, int *seed)
 Initialize the first seed of the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU to a position far away from the previous history (leap frog technique).
void IRND0 (float *W, float *F, short int *K, int N)
 Initialisation of Walker's aliasing algorithm for random sampling from discrete probability distributions.
int report_materials_dose (int num_projections, unsigned long long int total_histories, float *density_nominal, ulonglong2 *materials_dose, double *mass_materials)
 Report the tallied dose to each material number, accounting for different densities in different regions with the same material number.
int seeki_walker (float *cutoff, short int *alias, float randno, int n)
 Finds the interval (x(i),x(i+1)] containing the input value using Walker's aliasing method.
void track_particles (int history_batch, int histories_per_thread, int num_p, int seed_input, unsigned long long int *image, ulonglong2 *voxels_Edep, float2 *voxel_mat_dens, float2 *mfp_Woodcock_table, float3 *mfp_table_a, float3 *mfp_table_b, struct rayleigh_struct *rayleigh_table, struct compton_struct *compton_table, struct detector_struct *detector_data_array, struct source_struct *source_data_array, ulonglong2 *materials_dose)
 Initialize the image array, ie, set all pixels to zero Essentially, this function has the same effect as the command: "cutilSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(image_device, image, image_bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice))";.
void source (float3 *position, float3 *direction, float *energy, int2 *seed, int *absvox, struct source_struct *source_data_SHARED, struct detector_struct *detector_data_SHARED)
 Source that creates primary x rays, according to the defined source model.
void move_to_bbox (float3 *position, float3 *direction, float3 size_bbox, int *intersection_flag)
 Functions that moves a particle inside the voxelized geometry bounding box.
void tally_image (float *energy, float3 *position, float3 *direction, signed char *scatter_state, unsigned long long int *image, struct source_struct *source_data_SHARED, struct detector_struct *detector_data_SHARED)
 Tally a radiographic projection image.
void init_PRNG (int history_batch, int histories_per_thread, int seed_input, int2 *seed)
 Initialize the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU to a position far away from the previous history (leap frog technique).
int abMODm (int m, int a, int s)
 Calculate "(a1*a2) MOD m" with 32-bit integers and avoiding the possible overflow, using the Russian Peasant approach modulo m and the approximate factoring method, as described in: L'Ecuyer and Cote, ACM Trans.
float ranecu (int2 *seed)
 Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU returning a float value (single precision version).
double ranecu_double (int2 *seed)
 Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU returning a double value.
int locate_voxel (float3 *position, short3 *voxel_coord)
 Find the voxel that contains the current position.
void rotate_double (float3 *direction, double cos_theta, double phi)
 Rotates a vector; the rotation is specified by giving the polar and azimuthal angles in the "self-frame", as determined by the vector to be rotated.
void GRAa (float *energy, double *costh_Rayleigh, int *mat, float *pmax_current, int2 *seed, struct rayleigh_struct *cgra)
 Sample a Rayleigh interaction using the sampling algorithm used in PENELOPE 2006.
void GCOa (float *energy, double *costh_Compton, int *mat, int2 *seed, struct compton_struct *cgco_SHARED)
 Random sampling of incoherent (Compton) scattering of photons, using the sampling algorithm from PENELOPE 2006: Relativistic impulse approximation with analytical one-electron Compton profiles.
void tally_voxel_energy_deposition (float *Edep, short3 *voxel_coord, ulonglong2 *dose)
 Tally the dose deposited in the voxels.
void tally_materials_dose (float *Edep, int *material, ulonglong2 *materials_dose)
 Tally the depose deposited inside each material.


short int dose_ROI_x_min_CONST
 Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the coordinates of the dose deposition region of interest.
short int dose_ROI_x_max_CONST
short int dose_ROI_y_min_CONST
short int dose_ROI_y_max_CONST
short int dose_ROI_z_min_CONST
short int dose_ROI_z_max_CONST
struct voxel_struct voxel_data_CONST
 Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the size of the voxel phantom.
struct source_struct source_data_CONST
 Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the x-ray source.
struct detector_struct detector_data_CONST
 Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the x-ray detector.
struct linear_interp mfp_table_data_CONST
 Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the linear interpolation data.
struct source_energy_struct source_energy_data_CONST
 Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the source energy spectrum.

Detailed Description

Header file containing the declarations for the MC-GPU code.

This file declares all the host and device functions and structures, the library files to include in the compilation, various constants parameters of the simulation, pre-processor macro functions, etc.

Andreu Badal (

Definition in file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Define Documentation

#define DEG2RAD   PI/180.0

Definition at line 73 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by read_input().

#define EPS_SOURCE   0.000015f

Offset value to make sure the particles are completely inside, or outside, the voxel bounding box.

For example, to start a particle track the source may have to translate a particle from the focal spot to the plane Y=0, but in reality the particle will be moved to Y=EPS_SOURCE to make sure it is unmistakenly located inside a voxel. If "EPS_SOURCE" is too small an artifact with weird concentric circular shadows may appear at the center of the simulated image.

Definition at line 85 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by locate_voxel(), and move_to_bbox().

#define INF   500000.0f

Definition at line 88 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

#define INF_minus1   499999.0f

Definition at line 89 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

#define MASTER_THREAD   if(0==myID)

MPI macro: mark commands to be executed only by the master thread (myID==0).

Definition at line 56 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by load_material(), load_voxels(), main(), read_input(), and set_CT_trajectory().

#define MAX_ENERGY_BINS   256

Maximum number of energy bins in the input x-ray energy spectrum.

Definition at line 68 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by init_energy_spectrum().


Definition at line 65 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by load_material().

#define MAX_MATERIALS   15

Constants values for the Compton and Rayleigh models:

Definition at line 62 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by GCOa(), load_material(), load_voxels(), main(), read_input(), report_materials_dose(), report_voxels_dose(), and track_particles().


Maximum number of projections allowed in the CT simulation (not limited by the constant memory because stored in global and shared memory):

Definition at line 59 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by read_input(), and set_CT_trajectory().

#define MAX_SHELLS   30

Definition at line 63 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by GCOa(), and load_material().

#define max_value (   a,
)    ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )

Preprocessor macro to calculate maximum and minimum values:

Definition at line 93 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by GCOa(), and init_energy_spectrum().

#define min_value (   a,
)    ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )

Definition at line 94 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by GCOa(), GRAa(), and load_voxels().


Definition at line 87 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by move_to_bbox().

#define NEG_INF   -500000.0f

Definition at line 90 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by move_to_bbox().

#define NP_RAYLEIGH   128

Definition at line 64 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by GRAa(), and load_material().

#define PI   3.14159265358979323846

Definition at line 71 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by read_input(), and set_CT_trajectory().

#define RAD2DEG   180.0/PI

Definition at line 72 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), read_input(), report_image(), and set_CT_trajectory().

#define SCALE_eV   100.0f

Value to scale the deposited energy in the pixels so that it can be stored as a long long integer instead of a double precision float.

The integer values have to be used in order to use the atomicAdd function in CUDA.

Definition at line 79 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by report_image(), report_materials_dose(), report_voxels_dose(), tally_image(), tally_materials_dose(), and tally_voxel_energy_deposition().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct double2 double2

Definition at line 134 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct double3 double3

Definition at line 135 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct float2 float2

Definition at line 132 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct float3 float3

Definition at line 133 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct int2 int2

Definition at line 130 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct int3 int3

Definition at line 131 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct short3 short3

Definition at line 136 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

typedef struct ulonglong2 ulonglong2

Definition at line 137 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Function Documentation

int abMODm ( int  m,
int  a,
int  s 
) [inline]

Calculate "(a1*a2) MOD m" with 32-bit integers and avoiding the possible overflow, using the Russian Peasant approach modulo m and the approximate factoring method, as described in: L'Ecuyer and Cote, ACM Trans.

Math. Soft. 17 (1991).

This function has been adapted from "seedsMLCG.f", see: Badal and Sempau, Computer Physics Communications 175 (2006)

[in]m,a,sMLCG parameters
(a1*a2) MOD m

Definition at line 919 of file

Referenced by init_PRNG(), and update_seed_PRNG().

char* fgets_trimmed ( char *  trimmed_line,
int  num,
FILE *  file_ptr 

Read a line of text and trim initial blancks and trailing comments (#).

[in]numCharacters to read
[in]file_ptrPointer to the input file stream
[out]trimmed_lineTrimmed line from input file, skipping empty lines and comments

Definition at line 1868 of file

Referenced by init_energy_spectrum(), and read_input().

void GCOa ( float *  energy,
double *  costh_Compton,
int *  mat,
int2 seed,
struct compton_struct cgco_SHARED 
) [inline]

Random sampling of incoherent (Compton) scattering of photons, using the sampling algorithm from PENELOPE 2006: Relativistic impulse approximation with analytical one-electron Compton profiles.

[in,out]energyincident and final photon energy (eV)
[out]costh_Comptoncosine of the polar scattering angle
[in]materialCurrent voxel material
[in]seedRANECU PRNG seed

Definition at line 1287 of file

References compton_struct::fco, compton_struct::fj0, MAX_MATERIALS, MAX_SHELLS, max_value, min_value, compton_struct::noscco, ranecu(), and compton_struct::uico.

Referenced by track_particles().

void GRAa ( float *  energy,
double *  costh_Rayleigh,
int *  mat,
float *  pmax_current,
int2 seed,
struct rayleigh_struct cgra 
) [inline]

Sample a Rayleigh interaction using the sampling algorithm used in PENELOPE 2006.

[in]energyParticle energy (not modified with Rayleigh)
[out]costh_RayleighCosine of the angular deflection
[in]materialCurrent voxel material

Definition at line 1181 of file

References rayleigh_struct::aco, rayleigh_struct::bco, rayleigh_struct::itlco, rayleigh_struct::ituco, min_value, NP_RAYLEIGH, rayleigh_struct::pco, ranecu_double(), and rayleigh_struct::xco.

Referenced by track_particles().

void init_energy_spectrum ( char *  file_name_espc,
struct source_energy_struct source_energy_data,
float *  mean_energy_spectrum 

Read the energy spectrum file and initialize the Walker aliasing sampling.

[in]file_name_espcFile containing the energy spectrum (lower energy value in each bin and its emission probability).
[in,out]source_energy_dataEnergy spectrum and other source data. The Walker alias and cutoffs are initialized in this function.
[out]mean_energy_spectrumMean energy in the input x-ray energy spectrum.

!Walker!! Calling PENELOPE's function to init the Walker method

Definition at line 3398 of file

References source_energy_struct::espc, source_energy_struct::espc_alias, source_energy_struct::espc_cutoff, fgets_trimmed(), IRND0(), MAX_ENERGY_BINS, max_value, and source_energy_struct::num_bins_espc.

Referenced by main().

void init_PRNG ( int  history_batch,
int  histories_per_thread,
int  seed_input,
int2 seed 
) [inline]

Initialize the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU to a position far away from the previous history (leap frog technique).

Each calculated seed initiates a consecutive and disjoint sequence of pseudo-random numbers with length LEAP_DISTANCE, that can be used to in a parallel simulation (Sequence Splitting parallelization method). The basic equation behind the algorithm is: S(i+j) = (a**j * S(i)) MOD m = [(a**j MOD m)*S(i)] MOD m , which is described in: P L'Ecuyer, Commun. ACM 31 (1988) p.742

This function has been adapted from "seedsMLCG.f", see: A Badal and J Sempau, Computer Physics Communications 175 (2006) p. 440-450

[in]historyParticle bach number.
[in]seed_inputInitial PRNG seed input (used to initiate both MLCGs in RANECU).
[out]seedInitial PRNG seeds for the present history.

Definition at line 841 of file

References a1_RANECU, a2_RANECU, abMODm(), LEAP_DISTANCE, m1_RANECU, m2_RANECU, int2::x, and int2::y.

Referenced by track_particles().

void IRND0 ( float *  W,
float *  F,
short int *  K,
int  N 

Initialisation of Walker's aliasing algorithm for random sampling from discrete probability distributions.

Input arguments: N ........ number of different values of the random variable. W(1:N) ... corresponding point probabilities (not necessarily normalised to unity). Output arguments: F(1:N) ... cutoff values. K(1:N) ... alias values.

This subroutine is part of the PENELOPE 2006 code developed by Francesc Salvat at the University of Barcelona. For more info:

Definition at line 3575 of file

Referenced by init_energy_spectrum().

void load_material ( int  myID,
char  file_name_materials[MAX_MATERIALS][250],
float *  density_max,
float *  density_nominal,
struct linear_interp mfp_table_data,
float2 **  mfp_Woodcock_table_ptr,
int *  mfp_Woodcock_table_bytes,
float3 **  mfp_table_a_ptr,
float3 **  mfp_table_b_ptr,
int *  mfp_table_bytes,
struct rayleigh_struct rayleigh_table_ptr,
struct compton_struct compton_table_ptr 

Read the material input files and set the mean free paths and the "linear_interp" structures.

Find the material nominal density. Set the Woodcock trick data.

[in]file_name_materialsArray with the names of the material files.
[in]density_maxmaximum density in the geometry (needed to set Woodcock trick)
[out]density_nominalArray with the nominal density of the materials read
[out]mfp_table_dataConstant values for the linear interpolation
[out]mfp_table_a_ptrFirst element for the linear interpolation.
[out]mfp_table_b_ptrSecond element for the linear interpolation.

Definition at line 2110 of file

References rayleigh_struct::aco, rayleigh_struct::bco, linear_interp::e0, compton_struct::fco, compton_struct::fj0, linear_interp::ide, rayleigh_struct::itlco, rayleigh_struct::ituco, MASTER_THREAD, MAX_ENERGYBINS_RAYLEIGH, MAX_MATERIALS, MAX_SHELLS, compton_struct::noscco, NP_RAYLEIGH, linear_interp::num_values, rayleigh_struct::pco, rayleigh_struct::pmax, compton_struct::uico, and rayleigh_struct::xco.

Referenced by main().

void load_voxels ( int  myID,
char *  file_name_voxels,
float *  density_max,
struct voxel_struct voxel_data,
float2 **  voxel_mat_dens_ptr,
unsigned int *  voxel_mat_dens_bytes,
short int *  dose_ROI_x_max,
short int *  dose_ROI_y_max,
short int *  dose_ROI_z_max 

Read the voxel data and allocate the material and density matrix.

Also find and report the maximum density defined in the geometry.

[in]file_name_voxelsName of the voxelized geometry file.
[out]density_maxArray with the maximum density for each material in the voxels.
[out]voxel_dataPointer to a structure containing the voxel number and size.
[out]voxel_mat_dens_ptrPointer to the vector with the voxel materials and densities.
[in]dose_ROI_x/y/z_maxSize of the dose ROI: can not be larger than the total number of voxels in the geometry.

Definition at line 1929 of file

References voxel_struct::inv_voxel_size, MASTER_THREAD, MAX_MATERIALS, min_value, voxel_struct::num_voxels, voxel_struct::size_bbox, int3::x, float3::x, int3::y, float3::y, int3::z, and float3::z.

Referenced by main().

int locate_voxel ( float3 position,
short3 voxel_coord 
) [inline]

Find the voxel that contains the current position.

Report the voxel absolute index and the x,y,z indices. The structure containing the voxel number and size is read from CONSTANT memory.

[in]positionParticle position
[out]voxel_coordPointer to three integer values (short3*) that will store the x,y and z voxel indices.
Returns "absvox", the voxel number where the particle is located (negative if position outside the voxel bbox).

Definition at line 1033 of file

References EPS_SOURCE, voxel_struct::inv_voxel_size, voxel_struct::num_voxels, voxel_struct::size_bbox, voxel_data_CONST, int3::x, float3::x, short3::x, int3::y, float3::y, short3::y, float3::z, and short3::z.

Referenced by track_particles().

void move_to_bbox ( float3 position,
float3 direction,
float3  size_bbox,
int *  intersection_flag 
) [inline]

Functions that moves a particle inside the voxelized geometry bounding box.

An EPSILON distance is added to make sure the particles will be clearly inside the bbox, not exactly on the surface.

This algorithm makes the following assumtions:

  • The back lower vertex of the voxel bounding box is always located at the origin: (x0,y0,z0)=(0,0,0).
  • The initial value of "position" corresponds to the focal spot location.
  • When a ray is not pointing towards the bbox plane that it should cross according to the sign of the direction, I assign a distance to the intersection =0 instead of the real negative distance. The wall that will be crossed to enter the bbox is always the furthest and therefore a 0 distance will never be used except in the case of a ray starting inside the bbox or outside the bbox and not pointing to any of the 3 planes. In this situation the ray will be transported a 0 distance, meaning that it will stay at the focal spot.

(Interesting information on ray-box intersection:

[in,out]positionParticle position: initially set to the focal spot, returned transported inside the voxel bbox.
[out]directionSampled particle direction (cosine vectors).
[out]intersection_flagSet to <0 if particle outside bbox and will not cross the voxels, not changed otherwise.
[out]size_bboxSize of the bounding box.

Definition at line 714 of file

References EPS_SOURCE, NEG_EPS_SOURCE, NEG_INF, float3::x, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by source().

float ranecu ( int2 seed) [inline]

Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU returning a float value (single precision version).

[in,out]seedPRNG seed (seed kept in the calling function and updated here).
PRN double value in the open interval (0,1)

Definition at line 965 of file

References int2::x, and int2::y.

Referenced by GCOa(), source(), and track_particles().

double ranecu_double ( int2 seed) [inline]

Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU returning a double value.

Definition at line 995 of file

References int2::x, and int2::y.

Referenced by GRAa(), and track_particles().

void read_input ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
int  myID,
unsigned long long int *  total_histories,
int *  seed_input,
int *  gpu_id,
int *  num_threads_per_block,
int *  histories_per_thread,
struct detector_struct detector_data,
unsigned long long int **  image_ptr,
int *  image_bytes,
struct source_struct source_data,
struct source_energy_struct source_energy_data,
char *  file_name_voxels,
char  file_name_materials[MAX_MATERIALS][250],
char *  file_name_output,
char *  file_name_espc,
int *  num_projections,
double *  D_angle,
double *  angularROI_0,
double *  angularROI_1,
double *  initial_angle,
ulonglong2 **  voxels_Edep_ptr,
int *  voxels_Edep_bytes,
char *  file_dose_output,
short int *  dose_ROI_x_min,
short int *  dose_ROI_x_max,
short int *  dose_ROI_y_min,
short int *  dose_ROI_y_max,
short int *  dose_ROI_z_min,
short int *  dose_ROI_z_max,
double *  SRotAxisD,
double *  vertical_translation_per_projection,
int *  flag_material_dose 

Read the input file given in the command line and return the significant data.

Example input file:

1000000 [Total number of histories to simulate] geometry.vox [Voxelized geometry file name] material.mat [Material data file name]

[in]argcCommand line parameters
[in]argvCommand line parameters: name of input file
[out]total_historiesTotal number of particles to simulate
[out]seed_inputInput random number generator seed
[out]num_threads_per_blockNumber of CUDA threads for each GPU block

Definition at line 1242 of file

References detector_struct::center, detector_struct::corner_min_rotated_to_Y, source_struct::cos_theta_low, DEG2RAD, source_struct::direction, fgets_trimmed(), detector_struct::height_Z, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_X, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_Z, MASTER_THREAD, MAX_MATERIALS, MAX_NUM_PROJECTIONS, detector_struct::num_pixels, PI, source_struct::position, RAD2DEG, detector_struct::rot_inv, detector_struct::rotation_flag, detector_struct::sdd, detector_struct::total_num_pixels, trim_name(), detector_struct::width_X, int2::x, float3::x, int2::y, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by main().

int report_image ( char *  file_name_output,
struct detector_struct detector_data,
struct source_struct source_data,
float  mean_energy_spectrum,
unsigned long long int *  image,
double  time_elapsed,
unsigned long long int  total_histories,
int  current_projection,
int  num_projections,
double  D_angle,
double  initial_angle,
int  myID,
int  numprocs 

Report the tallied image in ASCII and binary form (32-bit floats).

Separate images for primary and scatter radiation are generated.

[in]file_name_outputFile where tallied image is reported
[in]detector_dataDetector description read from the input file (pointer to detector_struct)
[in]imageTallied image (in meV per pixel)
[in]time_elapsedTime elapsed during the main loop execution (in seconds)
[in]total_historiesTotal number of x-rays simulated

Definition at line 2715 of file

References source_struct::direction, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_X, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_Z, detector_struct::num_pixels, source_struct::position, RAD2DEG, SCALE_eV, int2::x, float3::x, int2::y, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by main().

int report_materials_dose ( int  num_projections,
unsigned long long int  total_histories,
float *  density_nominal,
ulonglong2 materials_dose,
double *  mass_materials 

Report the tallied dose to each material number, accounting for different densities in different regions with the same material number.

[in]num_projectionsNumber of projections simulated
[in]total_historiesTotal number of x-rays simulated per projection
[out]density_nominalArray with the nominal densities of materials given in the input file; -1 for materials not defined. Used to report only defined materials.
[in]materials_doseTallied dose and dose^2 arrays

Definition at line 3128 of file

References MAX_MATERIALS, and SCALE_eV.

Referenced by main().

int report_voxels_dose ( char *  file_dose_output,
int  num_projections,
struct voxel_struct voxel_data,
float2 voxel_mat_dens,
ulonglong2 voxels_Edep,
double  time_total_MC_init_report,
unsigned long long int  total_histories,
short int  dose_ROI_x_min,
short int  dose_ROI_x_max,
short int  dose_ROI_y_min,
short int  dose_ROI_y_max,
short int  dose_ROI_z_min,
short int  dose_ROI_z_max,
struct source_struct source_data 

Report the total tallied 3D voxel dose deposition for all projections.

The voxel doses in the input ROI and their respective uncertainties are reported in binary form (32-bit floats) in two separate .raw files. The dose in a single plane at the level of the focal spot is also reported in ASCII format for simple visualization with GNUPLOT. The total dose deposited in each different material is reported to the standard output. The material dose is calculated adding the energy deposited in the individual voxels within the dose ROI, and dividing by the total mass of the material in the ROI.

[in]file_dose_outputFile where tallied image is reported
[in]detector_dataDetector description read from the input file (pointer to detector_struct)
[in]imageTallied image (in meV per pixel)
[in]time_elapsedTime elapsed during the main loop execution (in seconds)
[in]total_historiesTotal number of x-rays simulated
[in]source_dataData required to compute the voxel plane to report in ASCII format: Z at the level of the source, 1st projection

Definition at line 2890 of file

References voxel_struct::inv_voxel_size, MAX_MATERIALS, voxel_struct::num_voxels, SCALE_eV, int3::x, float3::x, ulonglong2::x, int3::y, float2::y, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by main().

void rotate_double ( float3 direction,
double  costh,
double  phi 
) [inline]

Rotates a vector; the rotation is specified by giving the polar and azimuthal angles in the "self-frame", as determined by the vector to be rotated.

This function is a literal translation from Fortran to C of PENELOPE (v. 2006) subroutine "DIRECT".

[in,out](u,v,w)input vector (=d) in the lab. frame; returns the rotated vector components in the lab. frame
[in]costhcos(theta), angle between d before and after turn
[in]phiazimuthal angle (rad) turned by d in its self-frame

Definition at line 1103 of file

References float3::x, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by track_particles().

int seeki_walker ( float *  cutoff,
short int *  alias,
float  randno,
int  n 
) [inline]

Finds the interval (x(i),x(i+1)] containing the input value using Walker's aliasing method.

Input: cutoff(1..n) -> interval cutoff values for the Walker method cutoff(1..n) -> alias for the upper part of each interval randno -> point to be located n -> no. of data points Output: index i of the semiopen interval where randno lies Comments: -> The cutoff and alias values have to be previously initialised calling the penelope subroutine IRND0.

Algorithm implementation based on the PENELOPE code developed by Francesc Salvat at the University of Barcelona. For more info:

Definition at line 3526 of file

void set_CT_trajectory ( int  myID,
int  num_projections,
double  D_angle,
double  angularROI_0,
double  angularROI_1,
double  SRotAxisD,
struct source_struct source_data,
struct detector_struct detector_data,
double  vertical_translation_per_projection 

Sets the CT trajectory: store in memory the source and detector rotations that are needed to calculate the multiple projections.

The first projection (0) was previously initialized in function "read_input".

ASSUMPTIONS: the CT scan plane must be perpendicular to the Z axis, ie, the initial direction of the particles must have w=0!

Definition at line 3194 of file

References detector_struct::center, detector_struct::corner_min_rotated_to_Y, source_struct::direction, detector_struct::height_Z, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_X, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_Z, MASTER_THREAD, MAX_NUM_PROJECTIONS, detector_struct::num_pixels, PI, source_struct::position, RAD2DEG, detector_struct::rot_inv, detector_struct::rotation_flag, detector_struct::sdd, detector_struct::total_num_pixels, detector_struct::width_X, float3::x, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by main().

void source ( float3 position,
float3 direction,
float *  energy,
int2 seed,
int *  absvox,
struct source_struct source_data_SHARED,
struct detector_struct detector_data_SHARED 
) [inline]

Source that creates primary x rays, according to the defined source model.

The particles are automatically moved to the surface of the voxel bounding box, to start the tracking inside a real material. If the sampled particle do not enter the voxels, it is init in the focal spot and the main program will check if it arrives at the detector or not.

[in]source_dataStructure describing the source.
[in]source_energy_data_CONSTGlobal variable in constant memory space describing the source energy spectrum.
[out]positionInitial particle position (particle transported inside the voxel bbox).
[out]directionSampled particle direction (cosine vectors).
[out]energySampled energy of the new x ray.
[in]seedCurrent seed of the random number generator, requiered to sample the movement direction.
[out]absvoxSet to <0 if primary particle will not cross the voxels, not changed otherwise (>0).

Definition at line 626 of file

References source_struct::cos_theta_low, source_struct::D_cos_theta, source_struct::D_phi, source_energy_struct::espc, source_energy_struct::espc_alias, source_energy_struct::espc_cutoff, source_struct::max_height_at_y1cm, move_to_bbox(), source_energy_struct::num_bins_espc, source_struct::phi_low, source_struct::position, ranecu(), source_struct::rot_fan, detector_struct::rotation_flag, voxel_struct::size_bbox, source_energy_data_CONST, voxel_data_CONST, float3::x, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by track_particles().

void tally_image ( float *  energy,
float3 position,
float3 direction,
signed char *  scatter_state,
unsigned long long int *  image,
struct source_struct source_data_SHARED,
struct detector_struct detector_data_SHARED 
) [inline]

Tally a radiographic projection image.

This function is called whenever a particle escapes the voxelized volume. The code checks if the particle would arrive at the detector if it kept moving in a straight line after exiting the voxels (assuming vacuum enclosure). An ideal image formation model is implemented: each pixel counts the total energy of the x rays that enter the pixel (100% detection efficiency for any energy). The image due to primaries and different kinds of scatter is tallied separately.

In the GPU, and atomicAdd() function is used to make sure that multiple threads do not update the same pixel at the same time, which would result in a lose of information. Since the atomicAdd function is only available for 'unsigned long long int' data, the float pixel values are scaled by a factor "SCALE_eV" defined in the header file (eg, #define SCALE_eV 10000.0f) and stored as unsigned long long integers in main memory.

WARNING! If the total tallied signal (for all particles) is larger than "1.8e19/SCALE_eV", there will be a bit overflow and the value will be reset to 0 giving bogus results.

WARNING! The detector plane should be located outside the voxels bounding box. However, since the particles are moved outside the bbox in the last step, they could cross the detector plane anyway. If the particles are less than 2.0 cm behind the detector, they are moved back and detected. Therefore the detector can be a few cm inside the bbox and still work. If the Woodcock mean free path is larger than the distance from the bbox to the detector, we may lose some particles behind the detector!

[in]energyX-ray energy
[in]positionParticle position
[in]directionParticle direction (cosine vectors)
[in]scatter_stateFlag marking primaries, single Compton, single Rayleigh or multiple scattered radiation
[out]imageInteger array containing the image, ie, the pixel values (in tenths of meV)

Definition at line 482 of file

References detector_struct::center, detector_struct::corner_min_rotated_to_Y, source_struct::direction, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_X, detector_struct::inv_pixel_size_Z, detector_struct::num_pixels, detector_struct::rot_inv, detector_struct::rotation_flag, SCALE_eV, detector_struct::total_num_pixels, int2::x, float3::x, int2::y, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by track_particles().

void tally_materials_dose ( float *  Edep,
int *  material,
ulonglong2 materials_dose 
) [inline]

Tally the depose deposited inside each material.

This function is called whenever a particle suffers a Compton or photoelectric interaction. The energy released in each interaction is added and later in the report function the total deposited energy is divided by the total mass of the material in the voxelized object to get the dose. This naturally accounts for multiple densities for voxels with the same material (not all voxels have same mass). Electrons are not transported in MC-GPU and therefore we are approximating that the dose is equal to the KERMA (energy released by the photons alone). This approximation is acceptable when there is electronic equilibrium and when the range of the secondary electrons is shorter than the organ size.

The function uses atomic functions for a thread-safe access to the GPU memory. We can check if this tally was disabled in the input file checking if the array materials_dose was allocated in the GPU (disabled if pointer = NULL).

[in]EdepEnergy deposited in the interaction
[in]materialCurrent material id number
[out]materials_doseulonglong2 array storing the mateials dose [in eV/g] and dose^2 (ie, uncertainty).

Definition at line 1547 of file

References SCALE_eV, ulonglong2::x, and ulonglong2::y.

Referenced by track_particles().

void tally_voxel_energy_deposition ( float *  Edep,
short3 voxel_coord,
ulonglong2 voxels_Edep 
) [inline]

Tally the dose deposited in the voxels.

This function is called whenever a particle suffers a Compton or photoelectric interaction. It is not necessary to call this function if the dose tally was disabled in the input file (ie, dose_ROI_x_max_CONST < 0). Electrons are not transported in MC-GPU and therefore we are approximating that the dose is equal to the KERMA (energy released by the photons alone). This approximation is acceptable when there is electronic equilibrium and when the range of the secondary electrons is shorter than the voxel size. Usually the doses will be acceptable for photon energies below 1 MeV. The dose estimates may not be accurate at the interface of low density volumes.

We need to use atomicAdd() in the GPU to prevent that multiple threads update the same voxel at the same time, which would result in a lose of information. This is very improbable when using a large number of voxels but gives troubles with a simple geometries with few voxels (in this case the atomicAdd will slow down the code because threads will update the voxel dose secuentially).

[in]EdepEnergy deposited in the interaction
[in]voxel_coordVoxel coordinates, needed to check if particle located inside the input region of interest (ROI)
[out]voxels_Edepulonglong2 array containing the 3D voxel dose and dose^2 (ie, uncertainty) as unsigned integers scaled by SCALE_eV.

Definition at line 418 of file

References dose_ROI_x_max_CONST, dose_ROI_x_min_CONST, dose_ROI_y_max_CONST, dose_ROI_y_min_CONST, dose_ROI_z_max_CONST, dose_ROI_z_min_CONST, SCALE_eV, short3::x, ulonglong2::x, short3::y, ulonglong2::y, and short3::z.

Referenced by track_particles().

void track_particles ( int  history_batch,
int  histories_per_thread,
int  num_p,
int  seed_input,
unsigned long long int *  image,
ulonglong2 voxels_Edep,
float2 voxel_mat_dens,
float2 mfp_Woodcock_table,
float3 mfp_table_a,
float3 mfp_table_b,
struct rayleigh_struct rayleigh_table,
struct compton_struct compton_table,
struct detector_struct detector_data_array,
struct source_struct source_data_array,
ulonglong2 materials_dose 

Initialize the image array, ie, set all pixels to zero Essentially, this function has the same effect as the command: "cutilSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(image_device, image, image_bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice))";.

CUDA performs some initialization work the first time a GPU kernel is called. Therefore, calling a short kernel before the real particle tracking is performed may improve the accuracy of the timing measurements in the relevant kernel.

[in,out]imagePointer to the image array.
[in]pixels_per_imageNumber of pixels in the image (ie, elements in the array). Main function to simulate x-ray tracks inside a voxelized geometry. Secondary electrons are not simulated (in photoelectric and Compton events the energy is locally deposited).

The following global variables, in the GPU __constant__ memory are used: voxel_data_CONST, source_energy_data_CONST, detector_data_CONST, mfp_table_data_CONST.

[in]history_batchParticle batch number (only used in the CPU version when CUDA is disabled!, the GPU uses the built-in variable threadIdx)
[in]num_pProjection number in the CT simulation. This variable defines a specific angle and the corresponding source and detector will be used.
[in]histories_per_threadNumber of histories to simulate for each call to this function (ie, for GPU thread).
[in]seed_inputRandom number generator seed (the same seed is used to initialize the two MLCGs of RANECU).
[in]voxel_mat_densPointer to the voxel densities and material vector (the voxelized geometry), stored in GPU glbal memory.
[in]mfp_Woodcock_tableTwo parameter table for the linear interpolation of the Woodcock mean free path (MFP) (stored in GPU global memory).
[in]mfp_table_aFirst element for the linear interpolation of the interaction mean free paths (stored in GPU global memory).
[in]mfp_table_bSecond element for the linear interpolation of the interaction mean free paths (stored in GPU global memory).
[in]rayleigh_tablePointer to the table with the data required by the Rayleigh interaction sampling, stored in GPU global memory.
[in]compton_tablePointer to the table with the data required by the Compton interaction sampling, stored in GPU global memory.
[in,out]imagePointer to the image vector in the GPU global memory.
[in,out]dosePointer to the array containing the 3D voxel dose (and its uncertainty) in the GPU global memory.

Definition at line 135 of file

References dose_ROI_x_max_CONST, linear_interp::e0, GCOa(), GRAa(), linear_interp::ide, init_PRNG(), locate_voxel(), MAX_MATERIALS, mfp_table_data_CONST, rayleigh_struct::pmax, ranecu(), ranecu_double(), rotate_double(), source(), tally_image(), tally_materials_dose(), tally_voxel_energy_deposition(), float2::x, float3::x, float2::y, float3::y, and float3::z.

Referenced by main().

void trim_name ( char *  input_line,
char *  file_name 

Extract a file name from an input text line, trimming the initial blanks, trailing comment (#) and stopping at the first blank (the file name should not contain blanks).

[in]input_lineInput sentence with blanks and a trailing comment
[out]file_nameTrimmed file name

Definition at line 1840 of file

Referenced by read_input().

void update_seed_PRNG ( int  batch_number,
unsigned long long int  total_histories,
int *  seed 
) [inline]

Initialize the first seed of the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) RANECU to a position far away from the previous history (leap frog technique).

This function is equivalent to "init_PRNG" but only updates one of the seeds.

Note that if we use the same seed number to initialize the 2 MLCGs of the PRNG we can only warranty that the first MLCG will be uncorrelated for each value generated by "update_seed_PRNG". There is a tiny chance that the final PRNs will be correlated because the leap frog on the first MLCG will probably go over the repetition cycle of the MLCG, which is much smaller than the full RANECU. But any correlataion is extremely unlikely. Function "init_PRNG" doesn't have this issue.

[in]batch_numberElements to skip (eg, MPI thread_number).
[in]total_historiesHistories to skip.
[in,out]seedInitial PRNG seeds; returns the updated seed.

Definition at line 3356 of file

References a1_RANECU, abMODm(), LEAP_DISTANCE, and m1_RANECU.

Referenced by main().

Variable Documentation

Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the x-ray detector.

Definition at line 329 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Definition at line 311 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), tally_voxel_energy_deposition(), and track_particles().

Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the coordinates of the dose deposition region of interest.

Definition at line 311 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and tally_voxel_energy_deposition().

Definition at line 311 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and tally_voxel_energy_deposition().

Definition at line 311 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and tally_voxel_energy_deposition().

Definition at line 311 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and tally_voxel_energy_deposition().

Definition at line 311 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and tally_voxel_energy_deposition().

Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the linear interpolation data.

Definition at line 335 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and track_particles().

Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the x-ray source.

Definition at line 323 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the source energy spectrum.

Definition at line 341 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by main(), and source().

Global variable to be stored in the GPU constant memory defining the size of the voxel phantom.

Definition at line 317 of file MC-GPU_v1.3.h.

Referenced by locate_voxel(), main(), and source().