Choose one of the platforms below to complete the HTT Interactive Training.

  • There are two interactive training modules: a Feedback Test and a Proficiency Test.

  • You will receive performance test reports for your performance on both the Feedback and Proficiency Tests.

  • Email project organizers to request your performance test reports.

  • Here are example test reports: testReport-example-feedback.pdf and testReport-example-proficiency.pdf

  • Here you can download the code behind the reports: testReport.Rmd

  • Your performance test reports will be based on the data from a panel of six experts and will indicate whether you pass or not.

  • The performance test report for the Feedback Test will include your data and the data from the panel of six experts to support your training.

  • A reference document provides the scores, comments, and pitfalls from a panel of six experts for every ROI for the test with Feedback Test to support your training.

In order to participate in the HTT Pivotal Study, participants must pass the Proficiency Test.

  • You will have 2 attempts to take and pass the proficiency test.

caMicroscope Data-Collection Platform

PathPresenter Data-Collection Platform

The HTT Pivotal Study

If you would like to proceed with collecting annotations for the HTT Pivotal Study, please email project organizers to notify them that you have completed the interactive training. They will process your data and send you your performance test reports.