Source code for domid.tasks.task_usps

from domainlab.tasks.utils_task import ImSize
from domainlab.utils.utils_classif import mk_dummy_label_list_str
from import random_split
from torchvision import transforms

from domid.dsets.dset_usps import DsetUSPS
from domid.tasks.b_task_cluster import NodeTaskDictCluster

[docs]class NodeTaskUSPS(NodeTaskDictCluster): """Basic USPS task where the digits are considered "domains" The digits (0, 1, ..., 9) are regarded as domains (to be separated by unsupervised clustering). Based on NodeTaskMNISTColor10 from DomainLab. """ @property def list_str_y(self): """ USPS task has no labels (digits are considered domains) """ return mk_dummy_label_list_str("dummy", 10) @property def isize(self): """ :return: image size object storing image channels, height, width. """ return ImSize(1, 16, 16)
[docs] def get_list_domains(self): """ Get list of domain names :return: list of domain names """ return mk_dummy_label_list_str("digit", 10)
[docs] def get_dset_by_domain(self, args, na_domain, split=False): """Get a dataset by digit :param args: command line arguments :param na_domain: domain name :param split: whether a training/validation split is performed (the training split portion will be determined by args.split); for test set, no need to split; args.split: by default, split is set to be zero which in python can be evaluated in if statement, in which case, no separate validation set will be created. Otherwise, this argument is the percentage of the data to be used as training set, while the rest will be used as validation set. :return: training dataset, validation dataset """ ratio_split = float(args.split) if split else False # by default, split is set to be zero which in python can # be evaluated in if statement, in which case, no validation # set will be created. Otherwise, this argument is # the split ratio trans = [transforms.Resize((16, 16)), transforms.ToTensor()] ind_global = self.get_list_domains().index(na_domain) dset = DsetUSPS(digit=ind_global, args=args, list_transforms=trans) # split dset into training and validation sets if ratio_split > 0: train_len = int(len(dset) * ratio_split) val_len = len(dset) - train_len train_set, val_set = random_split(dset, [train_len, val_len]) else: train_set = dset val_set = dset return train_set, val_set
[docs]def test_fun(): from domainlab.arg_parser import mk_parser_main parser = mk_parser_main() args = parser.parse_args(["--te_d", "0", "--dpath", "zout", "--split", "0.2"]) node = NodeTaskMNIST() node.get_list_domains() node.list_str_y node.init_business(args)