Source code for domid.models.model_vade

import warnings

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from domainlab.utils.utils_classif import logit2preds_vpic

from domid.compos.cnn_VAE import ConvolutionalDecoder, ConvolutionalEncoder
from domid.compos.linear_VAE import LinearDecoder, LinearEncoder
from domid.models.a_model_cluster import AModelCluster

# from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

[docs]def mk_vade(parent_class=AModelCluster): class ModelVaDE(parent_class): def __init__( self, zd_dim, d_dim, device, i_c, i_h, i_w, bs, L=5, random_batching=False, model_method="cnn", prior="Bern", dim_inject_y=0, pre_tr_weight_path=None, feat_extract="vae", ): """ VaDE model (Jiang et al. 2017 "Variational Deep Embedding: An Unsupervised and Generative Approach to Clustering") with fully connected encoder and decoder. :param zd_dim: dimension of the latent space :param d_dim: number of clusters for the clustering task :param device: device to use, e.g., "cuda" or "cpu" :param i_c: number of channels of the input image :param i_h: height of the input image :param i_w: width of the input image :param args: command line arguments """ super(ModelVaDE, self).__init__() self.zd_dim = zd_dim self.d_dim = d_dim self.device = device self.L = L self.loss_epoch = 0 self.prior = prior self.dim_inject_y = dim_inject_y self.model_method = model_method self.model = "vade" self.random_batching = random_batching = bs self.pre_tr_weight_path = pre_tr_weight_path self.feat_extract = feat_extract # if self.args.dim_inject_y: # self.dim_inject_y = self.args.dim_inject_y # self.dim_inject_domain = 0 # if self.args.path_to_domain: # FIXME: one can simply read from the file to find out the injected dimension # self.dim_inject_domain = args.d_dim # FIXME: allow arbitrary domain vector to be injected # if self.args.model_method == "linear": if self.model_method == "linear": self.encoder = LinearEncoder(zd_dim=zd_dim, input_dim=(i_c, i_h, i_w)).to(device) self.decoder = LinearDecoder(prior=prior, zd_dim=zd_dim, input_dim=(i_c, i_h, i_w)).to(device) if self.dim_inject_y > 0: warnings.warn("linear model decoder does not support label injection") else: self.encoder = ConvolutionalEncoder(zd_dim=zd_dim, num_channels=i_c, i_w=i_w, i_h=i_h).to(device) self.decoder = ConvolutionalDecoder( prior=prior, zd_dim=zd_dim, # 50 domain_dim=self.dim_inject_y, h_dim=self.encoder.h_dim, num_channels=i_c, ).to(device) print(self.encoder) print(self.decoder) self.log_pi = nn.Parameter( torch.FloatTensor( self.d_dim, ) .fill_(1.0 / self.d_dim) .log(), requires_grad=True, ) self.mu_c = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(self.d_dim, self.zd_dim).fill_(0), requires_grad=True) self.log_sigma2_c = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(self.d_dim, self.zd_dim).fill_(0), requires_grad=True) # self.loss_writter = SummaryWriter() def _inference(self, x): """Auxiliary function for inference :param tensor x: Input tensor of a shape [batchsize, 3, horzintal dim, vertical dim]. :return tensor preds_c: One hot encoded tensor of the predicted cluster assignment (shape: [batch_size, self.d_dim]). :return tensor probs_c: Tensor of the predicted cluster probabilities; this is q(c|x) per eq. (16) or gamma_c in eq. (12) (shape: [batch_size, self.d_dim]). :return tensor z: Tensor of the latent space representation (shape: [batch_size, self.zd_dim]) :return tensor z_mu: Tensor of the mean of the latent space representation (shape: [batch_size, self.zd_dim]) :return tensor z_sigma2_log: Tensor of the log of the variance of the latent space representation (shape: [batch_size, self.zd_dim]) :return tensor mu_c: Tensor of the estimated cluster means (shape: [self.d_dim, self.zd_dim]) :return tensor log_sigma2_c: Tensor of the estimated cluster variances (shape: [self.d_dim, self.zd_dim]) :return tensor pi: Tensor of the estimated cluster prevalences, p(c) (shape: [self.d_dim]) :return tensor logits: Tensor where each column contains the log-probability p(c)p(z|c) for cluster c=0,...,self.d_dim-1 (shape: [batch_size, self.d_dim]). """ z_mu, z_sigma2_log = self.encoder(x) z = torch.randn_like(z_mu) * torch.exp(z_sigma2_log / 2) + z_mu pi = F.softmax(self.log_pi, dim=0) mu_c = self.mu_c log_sigma2_c = self.log_sigma2_c logits = torch.log(pi.unsqueeze(0)) + self.gaussian_pdfs_log(z, mu_c, log_sigma2_c) # shape [batch_size, self.d_dim], each column contains the log-probability p(c)p(z|c) for cluster c=0,...,self.d_dim-1. preds_c, probs_c, *_ = logit2preds_vpic(logits) return preds_c, probs_c, z, z_mu, z_sigma2_log, mu_c, log_sigma2_c, pi, logits def infer_d_v_2(self, x, inject_domain): """ Used for tensorboard visualizations only. """ results = self._inference(x) if len(inject_domain) > 0: zy =[2], inject_domain), 1) else: zy = results[2] x_pro, *_ = self.decoder(zy) preds, probs, z, z_mu, z_sigma2_log, mu_c, log_sigma2_c, pi, logits = (r.cpu().detach() for r in results) return preds, z_mu, z, log_sigma2_c, probs, x_pro def cal_loss(self, x, inject_domain, warmup_beta): """Function that is called in trainer_vade to calculate loss :param x: tensor with input data :return: ELBO loss """ return self._cal_ELBO_loss(x, inject_domain, warmup_beta) def _cal_reconstruction_loss(self, x, inject_tensor=[]): z_mu = self.encoder.get_z(x) z_sigma2_log = self.encoder.get_log_sigma2(x) z = z_mu if len(inject_tensor) > 0: zy =, inject_tensor), 1) else: zy = z x_pro, *_ = self.decoder(zy) if self.prior == "Bern": L_rec = F.binary_cross_entropy(x_pro, x) else: sigma = torch.Tensor([0.9]).to(self.device) # mean sigma of all images log_sigma_est = torch.log(sigma).to(self.device) L_rec = torch.mean(torch.sum(torch.sum(torch.sum(0.5 * (x - x_pro) ** 2, 2), 2), 1), 0) / sigma**2 return L_rec def _cal_reconstruction_loss_helper(self, x, x_pro, log_sigma): if self.prior == "Bern": L_rec = F.binary_cross_entropy(x_pro, x) else: sigma = torch.Tensor([0.9]).to(self.device) # mean sigma of all images log_sigma_est = torch.log(sigma).to(self.device) L_rec = torch.mean(torch.sum(torch.sum(torch.sum(0.5 * (x - x_pro) ** 2, 2), 2), 1), 0) / sigma**2 return L_rec def _cal_ELBO_loss(self, x, inject_domain, warmup_beta): """ELBO loss function Using SGVB estimator and the reparametrization trick calculates ELBO loss. Calculates loss between encoded input and input using ELBO equation (12) in the paper. :param tensor x: Input tensor of a shape [batchsize, 3, horzintal dim, vertical dim]. :param int L: Number of Monte Carlo samples in the SGVB """ preds, probs, z, z_mu, z_sigma2_log, mu_c, log_sigma2_c, pi, logits = self._inference(x) # mu, sigma from the decoder eps = 1e-10 L_rec = 0.0 for l in range(self.L): z = torch.randn_like(z_mu) * torch.exp(z_sigma2_log / 2) + z_mu # shape [batch_size, self.zd_dim]4 if len(inject_domain) > 0: zy =, inject_domain), 1) else: zy = z x_pro, log_sigma = self.decoder(zy) # x_pro, mu, sigma L_rec += self._cal_reconstruction_loss_helper(x, x_pro, log_sigma) # FIXME L_rec /= self.L Loss = L_rec * x.size(1) # --> this is the -"first line" of eq (12) in the paper with additional averaging over the batch. Loss += ( 0.5 * warmup_beta * torch.mean( torch.sum( probs * torch.sum( log_sigma2_c.unsqueeze(0) + torch.exp(z_sigma2_log.unsqueeze(1) - log_sigma2_c.unsqueeze(0)) + (z_mu.unsqueeze(1) - mu_c.unsqueeze(0)).pow(2) / torch.exp(log_sigma2_c.unsqueeze(0)), 2, ), 1, ) ) ) # inner sum dimentions: # [1, d_dim, zd_dim] + exp([batch_size, 1, zd_dim] - [1, d_dim, zd_dim]) + ([batch_size, 1, zd_dim] - [1, d_dim, zd_dim])^2 / exp([1, d_dim, zd_dim]) # = [batch_size, d_dim, zd_dim] -> sum of zd_dim dimensions # the next sum is over d_dim dimensions # the mean is over the batch # --> overall, this is -"second line of eq. (12)" with additional mean over the batch Loss -= warmup_beta * torch.mean( torch.sum(probs * torch.log(pi.unsqueeze(0) / (probs + eps)), 1) ) # FIXME: (+eps) is a hack to avoid NaN. Is there a better way? # dimensions: [batch_size, d_dim] * log([1, d_dim] / [batch_size, d_dim]), where the sum is over d_dim dimensions --> [batch_size] --> mean over the batch --> a scalar Loss -= 0.5 * warmup_beta * torch.mean(torch.sum(1.0 + z_sigma2_log, 1)) # dimensions: mean( sum( [batch_size, zd_dim], 1 ) ) where the sum is over zd_dim dimensions and mean over the batch # --> overall, this is -"third line of eq. (12)" with additional mean over the batch return Loss def gaussian_pdfs_log(self, x, mus, log_sigma2s): """helper function""" loglik = [] for c in range(self.d_dim): loglik.append(self.gaussian_pdf_log(x, mus[c, :], log_sigma2s[c, :]).view(-1, 1)) return, 1) @staticmethod def gaussian_pdf_log(x, mu, log_sigma2): """ subhelper function just one gausian pdf log calculation, used as a basis for gaussian_pdfs_log function :param x: tensor of shape [batch_size, self.zd_dim] :param mu: mean for the cluster distribution :param log_sigma2: variance parameters of the cluster distribtion :return: tensor with the Gaussian log probabilities of the shape of [batch_size, 1] """ return -0.5 * ( torch.sum( np.log(np.pi * 2) + log_sigma2 + (x - mu).pow(2) / torch.exp(log_sigma2), 1, ) ) return ModelVaDE
[docs]def test_fun(d_dim, zd_dim, device): device = torch.device("cpu") model = ModelVaDE(d_dim=d_dim, zd_dim=zd_dim, device=device) x = torch.rand(2, 3, 28, 28) import numpy as np a = np.zeros((2, 10)) a = np.double(a) a[0, 1] = 1.0 a[1, 8] = 1.0 a y = torch.tensor(a, dtype=torch.float) model(x, y) model.cal_loss(x)