[docs]class AModelCluster(nn.Module):
Operations that all clustering models should have
[docs] def __init__(self):
super(AModelCluster, self).__init__()
self._decoratee = None # FIXME do i pass it to every model?
[docs] def create_perf_obj(self, task):
Sets up the performance metrics used.
self.task = task
self.perf_metric = PerfCluster(task.dim_y)
return self.perf_metric
[docs] def cal_perf_metric(self, loader_tr, device, loader_te=None):
Clustering performance metric on the training and test/validation sets.
metric_te = None
metric_tr = None
with torch.no_grad():
metric_tr = self.perf_metric.cal_acc(self, loader_tr, device)
if loader_te is not None:
metric_te = self.perf_metric.cal_acc(self, loader_te, device)
r_score_tr = None
r_score_te = None
# if self.task.get_list_domains() == ['class0', 'class1', 'class2']: #if task ==her2
if hasattr(self.task, "calc_corr"):
with torch.no_grad():
r_score_tr, r_score_te = self.task.calc_corr(self, loader_tr, loader_te, device)
return metric_tr, metric_te, r_score_tr, r_score_te
[docs] def cal_loss(self, tensor_x, inj_tensor=torch.Tensor([]), warmup_beta=None):
Calculates the loss for the model.
total_loss = self._cal_reconstruction_loss(tensor_x, inj_tensor)
# if self._decoratee is not None:
kl_loss = self._cal_kl_loss(tensor_x, inj_tensor)
total_loss += kl_loss
return total_loss
[docs] def infer_d_v(self, x):
Predict the cluster/domain of the input data.
Corresponds to equation (16) in the paper.
:param tensor x: Input tensor of a shape [batchsize, 3, horzintal dim, vertical dim].
:return tensor preds: One hot encoded tensor of the predicted cluster assignment.
preds, *_ = self._inference(x)
return preds.cpu().detach()
[docs] def extend(self, model):
extend the loss of the decoratee
self._decoratee = model
def _extend_loss(self, tensor_x, tensor_y, tensor_d, others=None):
combine losses from two models
if self._decoratee is not None:
return self._decoratee._cal_kl_loss(tensor_x, tensor_y, tensor_d, others)
return None, None
def _cal_pretrain_loss(self, tensor_x, inject_tensor=torch.Tensor([])):
Pretraining loss for the model.
return self._cal_reconstruction_loss(tensor_x, inject_tensor)
def _cal_reconstruction_loss(self, tensor_x, inject_domain=torch.Tensor([])):
if self.model_method == "linear":
tensor_x = torch.reshape(tensor_x, (tensor_x.shape[0], -1))
z = self.encoder.get_z(tensor_x)
if len(inject_domain) > 0:
zy = torch.cat((z, inject_domain), 1)
zy = z
x_pro = self.decoder(zy)
if isinstance(x_pro, tuple):
x_pro = x_pro[0]
loss = F.mse_loss(x_pro, tensor_x)
return loss
def _cal_kl_loss(self, q, p): # FIXME KL loss is different for each of the model, redefined it in every model?
return NotImplementedError