Source code for domid.mk_exp

make an experiment
from domid.arg_parser import mk_parser_main
from domid.compos.exp.exp_main import Exp

[docs]def mk_exp( task, model, trainer: str, train_domain: str, test_domain: str, batchsize: int, pre_tr=5, epos=10, nocu=True, shuffling_off=False, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a custom experiment. The user can specify the input parameters. :param task: use a predefined task in DomId, or create a task to a custom dataset. For more explanation on the input params refer to the documentation found in "". :param model: create a model [NameOfModel] by importing the appropriate "mk_[NameOfModel]". For a concrete example and explanation of the input params refer to the documentation found in "domainlab.models.model_[NameOfModel].py" :param string trainer: for instance, 'ae', 'cluster', 'sdcn'; see the available trainers under 'domid/trainers/' and 'domainlab/trainers/' or define your own trainer. :param string test_domain: enumerate which domains from the chosen 'task' to use for training (separated by spaces) :param string test_domain: enumerate which domains from the chosen 'task' to use for testing (separated by spaces) :param int batchsize: batch size to use for training :param \**kwargs: any additional parameters that can be processed by the arg_parser of DomId or DomainLab :return exp: the experiment object """ str_arg = ( f"--model={model} --trainer={trainer} --bs={batchsize} --task={task} " f"--pre_tr={pre_tr} --epos={epos} --d_dim={len(train_domain.split(' '))} " ) if nocu: str_arg += " --nocu " if shuffling_off: str_arg += " --shuffling_off " str_arg += " --tr_d " + train_domain str_arg += " --te_d " + test_domain # Iterating over the Python kwargs dictionary for key, value in kwargs.items(): if type(value) == bool: str_arg += f" --{key}" else: str_arg += f" --{key}={value}" parser = mk_parser_main() conf = parser.parse_args(str_arg.split()) print(conf) exp = Exp(conf, task, model=model) return exp