On Linux, run iRoeMetz GUI using the command: java -jar iRoeMetz-v3p0.jar
On Windows and Mac, User can use given above command or double click the icon to launch iRoeMetz GUI.
The figure below is the main iRoeMetz GUI interface. Users can use input boxes, buttons and check boxes to operate the software.
1. User can manually input simulation parameters and settings such as reader variance, study size and design, random number generator seed and number of trials. User can also use "Populate Components from File"/"Save Components to File" to load or save these parameters and settings.
2. Click "Perform Simulation Experiments" or "Do Numerical Inegration" button to do simulation or numerical analysis.
Optional: User can click "Output Raw Data"(8) to choose a dirctory to save simluated MRMC studies ROC scores for each trial.
Study Parameter
1. Input Means: Means for modalities A and B.
2. Input Variances independect to Modality:
v_R0, v_C0 and v_RC0 are reader and case variances and covariance for nondiseased cases;
v_R1, v_C1 and v_RC1 are for diseased cases. These six variance componets do not depend on modality.
3. Input Variances Specific to Modality A/ Input Variances Specific to Modality B:
Variances and covariances for Modalities A and B.
Note: The original Roe and Metz model specified
1. non-diseased variance components to be the same as diseased variance components.
2. modality A variance components to be the same as modality B variance components.
Select which directory the simluated MRMC studies (ROC scores) will be saved. If users don't want to export those files to their local disk, don't set the directory.