3.1.4 Sizing Future Study

The third panel is for sizing a trial using the components of variance from statistical analysis.
1. Set the number of split-plot groups, pairing of readers, pairing of cases and study size.
2. Set the significance level and the effect size
3. Click “Size a Trial” or "Explore Experiment Size" buttons.
Note: Sizing MLE analysis has not be validated
3.1.4 Sizing Future Study

Study Design

1. Study Design
Sets the number of split-plot groups, pairing of readers, pairing of cases.

Size MLE Option

2. Size MLE Option
Check box to define whether use Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) in sizing analysis.

Significance Setting

3. Significance Setting
 Sets the significance level and the effect size.

Study Size

4. Study Size
Sets number of readers, nondiseasedcases, and diseased cases.

Size a Trial

5. Size a Trial
Uses components of variance from statistical analysis and sizing parameter to estimate a new MRMC study analysis.

Size Multiple Trials

6. Size Multiple Trials
Uses components of variance from statistical analysis to estimate different sizes MRMC studies analyses, and displays results in Explore Experiment Size window.

Sizing Results

7. Sizing Results
Normal, BDG and Hills analyses results.
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