eeDAP: Evaluation Environment for Digital and Analog Pathology, Credits
Brandon Gallas: 6/2012 - present
- Project lead and software development
Adam Ivansky: 6/2012 - 8/2012
- Original Creator
Tyler Keay: 7/2012 - 4/2013
- Create user manual, improve eeDAP workflow and registration precision, consolidate distribution and create self-contained software package, modify hardware for simultaneous viewing of specimen (camera and eyepiece), manage first pilot study
Neil O'Flaherty: 7/2012 - 4/2013
- Evaluate registration precision, investigate WSI file formats and resolution (physical relationship between WSI resolution, the camera, and stage steps), organize hardware specifications and manuals
Qi Gong: 10/2014 - Present
- Extend eeDAP software to USB camera, Ludl 6000 and Prior stages
- Create Linux version eeDAP
- Create new features, debug and improve performance for eeDAP.
- Create “Stage and Camera Control” software to test and control the camera and microscope stage outside of eeDAP files.
- Create user manual by Dr. Explain.
- Public code and release version to GITHUB
A. Jessica Handoko: 10/2015- Present
- Updating user manual, making it more simple and user friendly
- Using GitHub to keep track of changes and updates made to the manual