viperSummary {viperData}R Documentation



The VIPER summary files contain summary statistics of the VIPER observations. The iMRMC R package is used to estimate the area under the ROC curve (AUC), the true positive fraction (sensitivity), and the true negative fraction (specificity). The iMRMC package also estimates variances, standard errors, and confidence intervals that account for the variability from readers and cases. You can refer to the R function doViperSummary.R in this package for the code that produces the summary files.

The iMRMC R package can be found at





An object of class list of length 5.


Each element of the list pertains to one of the VIPER sub-studies:

Each substudy list element is a list object of length 3.

viperSummary365: This summary is based on viperObs365 the dataset based on cancer at 365 days.

viperSummary455: This summary is based on viperObs455 the dataset based on cancer at 455 days.

[Package viperData version 1.0.2 Index]