Full Library of Work from the HTT Team

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HTT Presentations

Selected Works

Manuscript detailing slide sourcing and case prioritization: V. Garcia et al. (2024), “Prioritizing cases from a multi-institutional cohort for a dataset of pathologist annotations,” Journal of Pathology Informatics, Vol. 16, p. 100411

Manuscript detailing reporting framework for collecting annotations: K. Elfer et al. (2024), “Reproducible Reporting of the Collection and Evaluation of Annotations for Artificial Intelligence Models,” Modern Pathology, Vol. 37, Issue 4, p. 100439

Manuscript describing our training development: A. Ly et al. (2023), “Training pathologists to assess stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer synergizes efforts in clinical care and scientific research”, Histopathology

Manuscript describing our MDDT process: S. Hart et al. (2023), “Initial interactions with the FDA on developing a validation dataset as a medical device development tool,” Journal of Pathology, Vol. 261, p. 378-384

Manuscript describing pilot study results: Elfer et al. (2022), “Pilot study to evaluate tools to collect pathologist annotations for validating machine learning algorithms,” Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 9, Issue 4, p. 047501

Manuscript describing expert panel based on pilot study: Garcia et al. (2022), “Development of Training Materials for Pathologists to Provide Machine Learning Validation Data of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Breast Cancer,” Cancers, Vol. 14, p. 2467

Manuscript about Multi-reader Multi-case Analysis of Limits of Agreement: Wen and Gallas (2022), “Three-Way Mixed Effect ANOVA to Estimate MRMC Limits of Agreement,” Stat Biopharm Res, p. 1–10

Manuscript describing the project: Dudgeon et al. (2020), “A Pathologist-Annotated Dataset for Validating Artificial Intelligence: A Project Description and Pilot Study,” Journal of Pathology Informatics, Vol. 12, p. 45