  • 2. Getting Started

2. Getting Started

The primary objective of this Java application (iMRMC) is to assist investigators with analyzing and sizing multi-reader multi-case (MRMC) reader studies that compare the difference in the area under Receiver Operating Characteristic curves (AUCs) from two modalities. The core elements of this java application include the ability to do MRMC variance analysis and the ability to size an MRMC trial. A database containing components of variance from past MRMC studies is planned.

Download Java

The software is written in Java. It requires Java Runtime Environment(JRE) 1.8 and higher version.
User can check the JAVA version from http://java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp
User can download JRE from ORACLE website.

Download iMRMC

Go to https://github.com/DIDSR/iMRMC/releases to download and save the latest version of iMRMC file.
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