eeDAP: Evaluation Environment for Digital and Analog Pathology, eeDAP Administrator Input Screen Window(c)
eeDAP Administrator Input Screen Window(c)
In the first box the admin selects the input file containing the tasks; see the “Input File” section for formatting of this file. It is selected using the “Browse” button. Once chosen the header of the file is displayed in “Header text” box. Selecting “Extract ROIs” button will extract the experiment ROI’s from the WSI images. Extracting ROI’s may take a few minutes depending on the size of the experiment and the computer capabilities.
The drop down menu (Testing Mode) allows for the administrator to choose either the Digital or MicroRT reading mode. The Digital mode allows for the evaluation of ROI’s identified and extracted from a whole slide Image. The MicroRT mode provides a real-time (RT) view of the same ROI’s through the optics of an adjoining microscope. Furthermore, the administrator is able to track a reader’s progress during MicroRT mode; a camera provides the administrator with the reader’s field of view (FOV) and the corresponding WSI ROI for comparison.